Chapter 5

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Chapter 5
Third Person P.O.V
Sasuke was enjoying the peace and tranquility with his girlfriend. To him, everything seemed to be more colorful, beautiful and brighter. Naruko was also enjoying herself. Basking in the glow of perfection that is Sasuke Uchiha. They were in the forest, because barely anyone goes there. They were in Training Ground 44, better known as the Forest of Death. Naruko took Sasuke there, after their wonderful date, yesterday. She took him to a clearing, behind a waterfall and what he saw astounded him, completely. Around the clearing, was a cover of trees. The trees looked like a fence providing cover. There was a stream of water running down the middle, dividing the clearing in 2. Many flowers were growing around the clearing, making it look much more beautiful. The animals were all surrounding them. From big bears, wolves, jaguars, zebras, hippos, foxes, owls, snakes, rabbits, hares, hawks, falcons, mice and many more different animals. They were all sitting or laying on the soft grassy ground. Naruko had on her lap a jaguar, she was petting the jaguar and he was very content. Laying on her right side, was a black, blue, and white fox. The fox had a black body, blue ears and eyes, and white paws. Its tail was mostly black, but it had a white tip, with a blue star-like mark on the tail. She would occasionally scratch the fox's ears. On her left side, perched on her left shoulder, was a hawk. The hawk was a blackish gray and had eyes so green, it looked like a literal forest resided in her eyes. Sasuke on his lap had a big majestic midnight blue wolf, she was easily one of the biggest, if not the biggest wolf in the forest and was on his lap being pet, while her midnight blue tail was swishing from side to side in complete and utter ecstasy. On his left side, was a bear. The bear was a muddy brown with gray eyes, she was laying down, with her eyes on him. On his right side, was a snake. The snake was easily about a meter and a half long. Longer if he completely uncurled himself. He had rainbow scales or multi-colored scales. He was flicking his tongue at Sasuke, asking for some of his attention, which he gave.

"This place is peaceful, isn't it?" Naruko whispers to Sasuke, not bothering to go higher as to not scare or disturb the peace and equally peaceful animals.

"Hnn"{Yes, it is}. Sasuke grunts, not bothering to use words, so as not to disturb the animals that have gathered. Naruko smiles at his rare moment of kindness, while on the inside she's practically giggling.

Three hours later and both of them get up. The animals had gone off to their homes, some time before. Because it's already somewhat late, they stay at the cottage where Naruko lived, while the villagers were still asshats. Going inside, they take off their shoes and Naruko goes into the kitchen. Looking for about 10 minutes, she finally locates the scroll that kept her food preserved and in good cooking conditions for long periods of time. Opening the scroll, she gets the ingredients to prepare dinner. "My lovely Teme, what do you want to eat?" Naruko asks her boyfriend teasingly, with a grin on her face.

Sitting himself on the somewhat old couch, Sasuke responds with equal tease. "Something simple, my bea-u-ti-ful Dobe". He says, enunciating the word beautiful in syllables. Then seriously he asks her. "How about onigiri and some tomato soup?"

"Onigiri and tomato soup it is." Getting out the rice, pot, and other ingredients to make onigiri and soup, she gets to work. About an hour and a half later, both are at the table, getting ready to eat. "Ittadakimasu". Was said, before picking up their chopsticks. Eating and enjoying each other's company, they don't speak. The silence was long, but not unbearable or awkward. It was calming and serene.

An hour and a half later, they had finished eating and were now on their way to the bedroom to sleep. Going inside, they went to the bathroom, brushed their teeth and headed back out into the room. Sasuke took off his shirt got into bed on the left side. Naruko took off her clothes and changed into pajamas, before she got into bed on the right side. Snuggling close to each other, they kissed on the lips and wished each other good night.

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