Author's Note

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Okay so to say sorry for not updating in a while, because of how to plan the Proposal and then the wedding I have decided to share a short yet funny, but semi-painful story with you, my readers.

So today, not even 5 minutes ago, I was playing darts with an old insulin needle that was capped. It had it's cap on. I was bored and wanted something fun to do.

My stupid brain decided to play toss the needle like a dart into the trash bin, so that's exactly what I did. I stood outside the entrance to my room and tossed the needle. It didn't go inside the trash, instead it landed right next to it. I repeated the process 3 times and 3 times it landed next to it. On my fourth try, the needle cap somehow popped off.

Not noticing that the needle cap came off, I accidently tilted the needle and poked my pinkie finger. I started to bleed and got blood on my ring and middle finger both. "Owwie" was the only word  that I kept on repeating like a broken record. {Sorry for the outdated analogy.} Anyways moving on.

Heading into my mom's room, I searched for a band-aid and had my mom help me put it on. My mom wrapped the band-aid around my pinkie finger tightly and now it feels like my pinkie finger has a heart, because it keeps on pulsating. It stings a bit, but doesn't really hurt. It just feels like the band-aid is on to tightly.

That folks is how I poked myself with an uncapped needle stupidly. Feel free to laugh a bit or a lot. It doesn't really matter. Hopefully this little story helps make you guys feel a bit better from me not updating like I promised. I do plan on updating, but I want the chapter to be good so as not to upset my readers and so far what I have come up with has not satisfied me at all. If it hasn't satisfied me, then it probably won't be able to satisfy you guys either. I'm sorry if it sounds like I'm making up excuses, but that's just how I really and truly feel.

Hopefully you can all understand me and let me update on my own. I promise I have not abandoned this story and that I will update. I am a woman of my words.

Thank you for your understanding, patience and support. I hope that you'll all continue your journey together with me.

I love you all.

From your author, PamelaVargas291.

P.S. The image above is what my pinkie finger looked like after I accidentally poked it with the needle and removed the band-aid to take a picture. Sorry if it grosses you all out. I just thought that having proof in the form of an image, would make my crazy sounding story feel more believable. Until next time, Ja'ne.

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