Chapter 4

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Chapter 4
Naruko P.O.V
I opened my eyes, looking around instinctively, confused as this was not my room and I was not on my bed. As I adjusted to the light coming from my window, I realized that I was in my house. As I became more aware of my surroundings, the memories of last night became clearer. We fell asleep on the couch, in my living room. I smiled and looked down. Resting on my chest, with her ear to my heart, was my darling princess Sara, who was still sleeping. Something about her being able to fall asleep on me like that, without fear and with so much trust and confidence. Trusting herself to fall asleep on me, as well as the confidence she has in me, confident that I would keep her safe, pulled at my heartstrings and made me fall deeper in love with her. A love so strong and pure, that the maternal instincts resting deep within me were awakened and aroused by this small, pure, and innocent creature, that I hope to someday, be able to call my own. Because for me, she was, is and forever will be my kit.

Deep within the recesses of my mind, a giant, nine-tailed kitsune stirred. 'Kurama must've heard my thoughts and felt how deeply I loved the kit. He was probably able to feel my maternal emotions. How I love her, as if she were my own.' Thinking this, I laughed a little. I made sure not to move to much, so that I wouldn't wake up my sleeping child. This child has me wrapped around her little fingers and she probably doesn't even know it. Once again, I smiled to myself.

"What do you think, Kurama?" I asked him telepathically.

"I say that you're right. Plus, the kit's grown on me, as well. Oh and before I forget, I don't think. I know. So you better make your move. This partner's a keeper. The kit as well." Kurama answered telepathically as well. Deep down, I knew he was right. I was going to do it, but I was going to do it my way.

Looking down to my lap, I smiled even more. 'I truly am blessed. A perfect child, along with an even more perfect partner. I couldn't have asked for more.' This is my perfect family, my thoughts told me. My heart thudded and with every beat that it made, I felt lucky. Lucky to be alive, to have friends, but most importantly, I felt lucky to have a perfect partner along with a perfect daughter. Yep, I am truly blessed and I am truly fortunate. Having the fortune of meeting you, being rivals, becoming friends and best friends, loving you, and being by your side is my blessing, Sasuke. Watashi no kurokami de gōjasuna tenshi. "I love you, Teme. Now and forever."

Sasuke P.O.V
I was just starting to wake from my fitful sleep, when I heard what she said. She said it, probably thinking that I wasn't awake yet. That I was still asleep. Either way though, her words made me feel incredibly happy. My heart pounded in my chest as the words ‘I love you, Teme. Now and forever’ looped in my head like a recorder on repeat. I blushed a bit, and thanked the all powerful Kami, that the dobe still didn't know that I was awake and that I had heard what she said.

Looking up at her, I saw her smile. She was smiling so softly while looking down at Sarada, whom she still cradled in her chest. Guessing what was running through her head, brought a smile to my face as well. I knew that this time, my choice was spot on.

Deciding that I would get up, I shifted. Throwing my legs over the couch to the floor, I stood up and stretched. Looking into her soft and serene sapphire blues, I smiled a tiny bit. "Good morning, Dobe." I teased her a bit, while wishing her a good morning.

She rolled her eyes at me first, then she grinned. "Good morning to you as well, Teme." She quipped back in the same teasing tone. I gave her my famous Uchiha smirk. She just shook her at head me and laughed.

Leaning down, I was about to move her, when she suddenly stopped me. "Don't move me, Teme. Our Hime's still asleep. Plus, she's so cute, I can't get enough of her. Kinda makes me wish she were mine, as well as have one of our own."

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