A/N again, sorry

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To all of my dearest readers and followers, I'm so, so, so, so, so, so sorry that I haven't updated any of my works in a long time.

Things for me have been extremely hectic. First off, my mother fell sick from overworking herself a day and a half before Christmas and then, I fell sick right on Christmas day. I didn't get better until about 4-5 days ago.

Then, as if that weren't bad enough, because I'm anemic, plus add on the fact that right now we're short on both food and money, I didn't end up eating properly and the day after that, which was Monday, my not eating properly came back to haunt me.

The way it came back to haunt me was by making me suffer an intense headache and making me blackout. The intense headache and the blackout were both caused due to lack of proper food and my iron count being low. Due to my blacking out, I fell backwards and hit my head quite hard on the asphalt road.

Right now, I'm taking it easy and won't be working on any of my projects until I feel a little better.

Once again, I'm so very deeply sorry to all of my readers and followers for such a delay.

I hope that come sometime either the end of this week and/or the start of next week, I'll be okay enough to start writing again.

Sorry and I hope you all know just how much each and everyone of you really means to me.(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤❤️❤️

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