Chapter 2

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Chapter 2
Naruko P.O.V
Sunlight started show through the curtains. As the bright rays hit my face, I started to stir. Opening my eyes, I felt a weight around my mid-section. Looking down, I realized that the weight around my torso were in fact Sasuke's arms. Seeing as he was still asleep, I let a smile form on my lips. My eyes narrowed in fond amusement and joy. Looking at his face, I started to blush. My heart was pounding. Smiling once again, I kissed his forehead softly. Gently removing his arms from around my waist, I got up and went to the bathroom. Using the toilet, brushing my teeth, then taking a shower. I went about my daily routine. Doing my hair and getting dressed, I went downstairs to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. Fried fish in butter, miso soup, white rice, and a small pan of tomato ramen for Sasuke. Forty-five minutes later, breakfast was almost done. Looking at the time, I saw that I was still early. It was only 7:15. I didn't need to be at the Hokage Tower until 8:30. Deciding that my black haired sleeping beauty had enough rest, I went upstairs to wake him up. Entering my room, I went up to my bed. Gently shaking him, I spoke. "Rise and shine. Wake up, I have breakfast almost done, downstairs."

Starting to stir from his sleep, he opened his eyes and yawned. Stretching himself a bit, he rubbed his eyes and with a voice still husky from sleep he asked "what's for breakfast."

I had to bite my lip to stop myself from giggling and from going into fan-girl mode. He was just that freaking cute. "Good morning to you, too." Came my fondly sarcastic response. Sasuke rolled his eyes at me and smiled. That smile hit me straight in the heart. I felt like I had died and went to heaven. His smile was lovely to look at. If it were up to me, he would be smiling all day, everyday. "To answer your question, for breakfast we have fried fish in butter, miso soup, white rice, and some tomato ramen. Now that you're up, I'm going to go back downstairs. I have to get breakfast from the stove and plate it. Once you're done here, come downstairs. We'll eat once we're seated."

Sasuke P.O.V
Without waiting for my answer, she turned around and headed downstairs. I yawned once again. Removing the comforter from my body, I got up and headed for the bathroom. Once there, I stripped and stepped inside the shower. Soon after, I finished showering and got dressed. Before I married Sakura, I used to spend a lot of time in the Usuratonkachi's home. So a lot of my clothes are still here from when I would unexpectedly come over. Finding my toothbrush, I added toothpaste and started to brush my teeth. Done with that, I grabbed the dobe's spare hair brush and brushed my hair. After it was nicely brushed, I headed downstairs, towards the kitchen. Stepping inside the smells of fish, butter, miso, rice, and tomato assaulted my nose. Subconsciously, I took deep a breath and let out a sigh. The dobe saw, and started to laugh, while making fun of me.

"T-teme, are you a d-dog?" Naruko said in between fits of laughter. "Cause you were certainly sniffing the air like a dog would." With that she was in full blown hysterics. I stood there, looking at her fondly, while I was shaking my head in exasperation at her childishness. 'Though I won't deny, her childishness and ability to make me laugh when I feel like crying or just giving up, is one of the many reasons why I still love her.' I thought. "Wait, love?" I whispered so low, only I heard what I said. Naruko for her part, was still on the floor laughing. I contemplated for about 5 seconds, before the answer hit me like Kiba's dog, Akamaru would, when licking my dobe's face. Yep, it seems that I, Sasuke Uchiha am still in love with my blond haired, blue eyed angel. I know that I had once loved Sakura. She was, once upon a time my wife. As well as the mother of my daughter, Sarada Uchiha. That was still to be seen though, because I don't want her to badly influence our daughter. I know that if she does though, my dobe will always be up to being the mother Sakura never was for her. Yes, 12 years later, as we're now 24 years old. I remember her introduction, when we first became genin at 12. She had said, "the things that I like are training, reading, gardening, and kids" and she still loves kids. In fact, her love for them had only grown stronger. It's the reason why I know that she would make a wonderful mother for Sarada. Sakura better buckle down and become the mother Sarada needs her to be. I must've been super distracted because the next thing I knew, she was waving her hand in my face.

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