Chapter 11

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Chapter 11
Naruko P.O.V
Before all of this had happened, I thought that this was the most happiness I would ever experience. It wasn't until my love proposed to me that I realized that I was wrong, very, very wrong. I could and would still experience much more happiness than this.

His proposal left me crying tears of happiness and joy. It was a feeling that words just could not express. My heart thudded in my chest and as cliché as this sounds, but I swear that the moment he proposed and I accepted the world that looked bright and colorful to me, became even brighter. It was as if the sun felt my happiness. The colors became almost neon to me, so bright and full of life that I'd have to wear sunglasses or some other type of eye protecting gear. That was just how bright and absolutely beautiful the world and colors became for me.

After he slipped the engagement ring on my finger, I didn't stop nor did I wait, I grabbed ahold of his beautiful hand and pulled him to me making him bend down and full on kissing him on the lips. It was a complete make-out session.

After feeling myself calm down just a little bit, I started to slow down and the kiss went from fiery and passionate, to loving and chaste. I was moaning slightly into the kiss, but made sure that my feeling of pure bliss and happiness got across.

When we broke apart for air, I saw my Teme's face and it was as red as a lobster and I had no doubt that my face was just as, if not more red than his.

Very gently Sasu grabbed my hand and pulled me a little ways away from where he proposed to me and we sat down. He sat down on the grass and I was about to sit next to him, until he guided me to his lap and me getting the hint, sat down.

Making myself comfortable on his lap, I leaned into his strong chest and focused on his steadily beating heart. The 'thump, thump, thump' of his heart was very soothing and soon enough, I felt myself relax and hug him tightly around his waist.

Removing the ring from my finger, I looked inside of it while remembering the words he said to me a few minutes before 'there's an engraving inside'. Looking inside, I saw 6 numbers. The numbers were 10/10, 07/23 and the final numbers were (sorry, I'm making this part up, because I don't know the exact date that they met as genin.) 07/10.

For a second, I didn't understand what the numbers meant. I was so caught up in the feelings of happiness, joy and bliss, that the numbers didn't fully register in my mind until I looked at it a second time and read the numbers in my head several times. When the numbers meanings registered in my head, I felt so immensely happy and completely blessed that I had such a considerate mate in animal terms or partner in human terms.

Yes, because I have Kurama sealed into me, I have what most would call a mate and that mate happens to be Teme, also known as MY Sasuke. I know I'm being possessive, but the fact of the matter is that he's handsome, kind, caring, a little broody and quite insecure at times, but the icing on this delicious cake is that he's all mine and I wouldn't have it any other way.

'All the other ex-Jinchuuriki have mates as well, but I won't get into the details. If you wish to know more about Jinchuuriki and who they're together with in this book then, read chapter 7.'

The first set of numbers which are 10/10 represents my birthday, October 10th. The second set of numbers which are 07/23 represents my love's birthday, July 23rd and the final set of numbers which are 07/10 represents the date when we first met and fell in love, July 10th.

Not knowing how to express my love in words, I did the thing that I knew best, I showed my love for him through my actions. I gently pecked him on the lips, then with my index and middle finger together, I poked him softly on the forehead. Finally, I shifted myself in his lap so that I could bring his head to my chest and place his ear right above my happily thudding heart.

"Watashi wa, anata o ashiteimasu, Sasuke Uchiha." I told him with all the love and passion that my voice could muster. While I continued to have his ear pressed above my heart.

Sasuke P.O.V
"Watashi wa, anata o ashiteimasu, Sasuke Uchiha."

Hearing her say that to me with her voice that held nothing, but pure love and passion made me feel like the luckiest winner in life. I couldn't help myself, I moved my hands and placed them over hers, gently removing them so that I could move my head from above her furiously thumping heart. Once I could move my head again, I grabbed her face and tenderly brought it to mine in a loving and tender kiss.

The kiss had no lust in it, only love, gentle care and affection. It only lasted for about a minute or a minute in a half, but in that short time span I felt that my feelings of love, caring, and affection get across to her. I knew that I finally had the woman of my dreams in my arms and I cherished it like none other.

Grabbing her by the waist, I gently moved her off my lap and made her stand up. I then, got up myself and stretched my somewhat stiff and numb legs. Once the feelings in my legs were sufficiently returned, I bent down a bit and put my left arm underneath her knees and my right arm on her waist.

Making sure that my arms were positioned correctly, I lifted her up and princess carried her out of the cave and towards our apartment.

Third Person P.O.V
While they were walking, a smile along with a red flush could be seen on both of their faces. That was how content and in love both were.

You could see the male have an almost unnoticeable smile formed on his pale pink lips while his dark obsidian eyes sparkled with how much love and affection they held in them.

The female had a small, but very bright genuine smile on her own cherry red lips while her azure blue eyes held love, affection, caring and gentleness in them.

Both could not and would not stop looking at the other with their eyes. The feelings burning in them were so potent it was a wonder how the other wasn't smouldering yet. Their feelings of love, passion, caring, gentleness and affection were enough to start fires with how intense they were.

They knew that fights and arguments would happen, but they also knew that as long as they were together that they would get through it and would come out that much stronger because of it.

After all, love knew no bounds nor did it discriminate. Loving is loving and loving the right person could do and would do wonders for both parties involved. Never feel ashamed for loving someone, quite the contrary, bask in it and always remember to return it. Because together you are that much stronger.

Watashi wa, anata o ashiteimasu, Sasuke Uchiha- I love you, Sasuke Uchiha.

Sorry about the lateness and how short the chapter is, but the next chapter will focus on the wedding plans and decorations. It will be much longer than this one. This story is coming to it's end and I hope that you will all continue to stick around for more of my stories. Until next time. Ja.

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