Thanksgiving Special

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Naruko P.O.V
Today was Wednesday, the day before Thursday and more importantly, the day before Thanksgiving. Today, I had to get the turkey prepared and let it cook slowly on low heat. I wanted the turkey to be properly cooked while looking and tasting divine.

Since tomorrow was Thanksgiving, I had a special thing planned for my angel and love of my life. After seasoning the turkey, I placed it in the oven and set the heat. Walking over to the counter, I grabbed the timer and set it as well. I had long prepared all the other food that would go along with the turkey and it was sitting in the fridge waiting to be set out tomorrow.

Ever since I got my angel back, everyone had distanced themselves from me. At first, I had no idea why until I heard them talking. What they said broke my heart and it wasn't what they were saying about me that did, no it was what they were saying about my sweet tenshi that broke my heart and made me break down and cry.

Words like:
'betrayed the leaf'
'go die'
'shouldn't exist'
'thrown in a cell'
'rot in prison'
'unfeeling asshole'.

It was words like those that made my heart break and made me feel an uncontrollable rage towards those who I had once called friends.

That day when my tenshi came home and saw me crying, he literally flipped shit. It wasn't until I told him that I was crying because of what they said about him that he calmed down.


It had now been a total of 30 days or one month since Sasuke had returned after his apprenticeship with Orochimaru was done. As well as finally finding out the terrible truth of what the Hokage and Danzo had made his honorable older brother do to his clan to stop their Coup d'etat. He was devastated after finding Itachi, his older brother and learning of the dreaded truth.

Before he returned to the Village Hidden in the Leaves, he camped out in numerous places, just trying and failing to accept that the village known for its peace loving ways would do something so horrendous as to send someone so young to carry out a mass homicide and on their own family, no less. He didn't want to and somehow still couldn't believe it.

For days he walked aimlessly around the Elemental Nations, unable to wrap his head or heart around all that he had learned.

Unlike what most believed, Sasuke knew and I knew as well, that Orochimaru was not evil. He was simply misunderstood. Framed and blamed for something he did not do, he left and was marked in the Bingo Books as a Konohagakure SS-Rank Rogue Nin.

Sasuke feeling that he could get stronger and possibly maybe even learn Kenjutsu from Orochimaru told me about his plan. After accepting the fact that he wished to learn from Orochimaru, I told him that I would wish him well while also praying for his safety. He blushed, but nonetheless promised he would take care and that he would return soon. He left that very night and didn't return for 3 years. He would sometimes send letters, but because of Orochimaru's strict teaching, he almost hardly ever wrote or sent letters back to me.

Three years passed by in the blink of an eye and I was majorly excited to see my love once again. That very night, three years later, he was once again at my side, I couldn't be happier. Unfortunately, all it took were the careless words of those who I had once called friends to destroy the very happiness I finally had.

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