Chapter 12+A/N

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(My lovely readers and followers, I would like to let you all know of 3 important pieces of information. The first, due to there being no Wi-Fi where I'm living, I will be publishing chapters from different places and locations until there is Wi-Fi again. The second, somewhere in this chapter the wedding planning will be happening, I will leave an A/N so that you're all prepared and not caught unaware. Hey look, I rhymed😋😋. Here is the third and final piece of vital information. Just as I had stated at the end of chapter 11, this chapter will be MUCH longer than any of it's past counterparts. I suggest that you use the bathroom beforehand, have a snack ready and get comfortably settled on your favorite piece of furniture, because you'll be in for the long haul with this chapter. That is all I have to say so without any further stalling, please read and enjoy ‘Chapter 12 on “Love That is True, can Withstand the Test of Time”.)

Chapter 12+A/N
Third Person P.O.V
The day after the accepted proposal, both Sasuke and Naruko felt that much closer. Not so much because of the proposal, but because of the feelings behind the action of proposing. They felt a happiness, a blissfulness that neither had ever really truly known before.

Sure, they had been married once and perhaps they had been happy, but both of them knew deep down inside that their happiness was half-hearted and half-assed at best. Now that they were waking up in the same bed and in each other's arms, they finally realized just how unhappy and empty they had really been feeling.

There is a saying that goes: one may know a person's exterior, without ever knowing their heart. This saying fits them perfectly. For example, Naruko knew of Hinata's huge crush on her all throughout her life, although she didn't really return the Hyūga Princess's feelings. Though that didn't mean she wasn't lesbian, quite the contrary infact, she was actually bi-sexual.

Because of her own feelings for her perfect Uchiha Prince, she at first let the Hyūga Princess down gently. She took it in stride or so Naruko thought. Not knowing that her feelings were nothing more than a horrid obsession.

Years passed and Hinata continued trying until finally, Naruko gave in. More time passed and sometime before she was to be named Hokage, Hinata decided to cheat. Thinking that Naruko wouldn't ever find out, she continued her debauchery and with Sakura no less.

When discovered and confronted, she revealed her true colors and showed just how manipulative and obsessed she truly was.

With Sakura: she was obsessed with Sasuke, manipulated people into thinking she and Sasuke had been together for far longer than they had truly been, abused her power along with her mother's for her own gains and abused her child when her precious 'Sasuke-kun' payed more attention to their daughter than to her.

Yeah, that saying was completely and perfectly fitting to describe their past situation.

Naruko laid awake on their bed and took in the Uchiha handsomeness of her fiance when he's awake. However, what she enjoys more than looking at her handsome soon-to-be husband's appearance when awake and alert, is basking in her soon-to-be husband's innocent and unguarded appearance when asleep, just like right now.

Naruko P.O.V
'Kami has blessed me. I don't know what I did or how I did it, to deserve my Kuroi Tenshi; my Black Angel, but somehow I did and I couldn't be happier, content and blissful. He looks so innocent, cute and just absolutely adorable when he's asleep and his guard is down. If all my years of torture, neglect and emotional abuse lead to me falling and finally claiming this gorgeous Uchiha Angel as my own, then I'm willing and will willingly go through it all. I'll gladly suffer through it all again in a heart beat, if it means finding and claiming my happiness that is right here next to me, my Uchiha Prince. My Knight in Shining Armor; my perfectly imperfect Sasuke Uchiha.'

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2022 ⏰

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