Chapter 3

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After Maddie and Demi got settled in we decided to settle down and watch a few movies and order pizza. Frankly I hate pizza because when I first started living by myself I didn't know how to cook, so I'd order pizza and Chinese all the time. I also forgot about Demi's undying love for horror movies. It's not like I hate scary movies I just don't like to watch more than two in the same night after that I get nightmares.

After the first movie which i think was one of the saw movies I decided to go to bed even though I really wasn't gonna go to bed I just didn't really wanna watch anymore movies.

I got up off the couch stretching and pretending to yawn but I think they bought it anyways.
  "I think I'm gonna go to bed I have work tomorrow" demi paused the movie and they both looked at me.
  "Aw really but you said you liked this movie" Maddie said disappointed I reach over and grabbed my phone .

"I do I'm just not feeling to great so I think I'm gonna lie down" I said rubbing my stomach trying to pull the sick act.
  "OK well you go to bed me and Maddie will try not to make too much noise." Demi said as I walked off to my room.
   "OK see you guys in the morning" I shouted down the hall as I closed my bedroom door behind me.

What time is it I asked myself as I started to get my pajamas on. I looked over at my alarm clock on my dresser 12:42 AM I'm gonna get like five hours of sleep. When I was done getting dressed I flopped onto my bed and curled up in my big fluffy comforter, and about five minutes later I was asleep.

I woke up to neon lights playing on the radio from my alarm clock and the blinding light of the sun as I opened my eyes.
  "Of course it had to be this song" I said dragging myself out of bed to turn it off eyes still closed.
  "There's a million other songs they could have played" I complained searching for the button blindly turning it off. 

"Why that one" I complained turning it off running my hands through my hair.
  "What song" I jumped in surprise as my eyes shot open and turned around to see Maddie in the doorway leaning against the door frame I quickly covered my arms over my chest to cover the scars on them.

"Maddie you scared me half to death why are you in my room" I asked as she looked around my room curiously.
  "Oh um well I came to tell you breakfast is ready" she explained ew breakfast the worst meal of the day in my opinion, and I'm not really in the mood for food anyway I haven't actually eaten in a while.

I cleared my throat.
  "Oh OK thanks I'll be out in a second" she nodded leaving closing the door behind her I sighed uncrossing my arms and started to get ready for work.

When I was done I tried to sneak out of my house quietly to try and avoid whatever conversation awaits me in the kitchen. I heard them talking in the kitchen I approached the the front door as quietly as I could and grabbed my keys off the coffee table. 

They slipped out if my hand and, fell on the ground.
  "Cara" I heard Demi call I groaned mentally why does the world do this to me. I walked slowly towards the kitchen, and poked my head around the corner peering in the kitchen I walked in as both of them looked at me.

"So how did you guys sleep" I asked them I looked around the kitchen to see the dishes done and bacon and eggs on the table along with orange juice. I honestly didn't think Demi knew how to cook.
   "We slept fine why don't you come and eat breakfast."Demi said gesturing to the food at the table. 

"Sorry but I really have to get to work If I'm late again my boss will kill me literally." I said edging my way out of the kitchen Demi nodded with a very calm look on her face.
  "OK well I'm going out later for the show Maddie is gonna be staying here until you get home I'll probably be home around 11 or 12" she explained taking a drink of her juice. 

I nodded I swear she acts like she lives here.
   "OK well see you later I'll be home around four thirty OK" I said smiling at Maddie.

I turned around and left the kitchen only to trip over something. I lay on the floor for a second contemplating whether to just not go to work. I sighed getting up knowing I had to no matter how much of a dick head my boss is. 

I looked down to see Ajax looking up at me with a mean look on his face.
   "Oh don't give me that look I tripped over you by accident" he hissed at me and proceeded to walk to the kitchen I rolled my eyes getting up off the floor.

A few minuets later I was at work, and serving some guy who thinks it's OK to wear socks with sandals and swim shorts to a coffee shop. Man I hate my job I thought to myself as I smiled and handed the ridiculous man his coffee as he walked out the door. I rested my head in my hand on the counter and pulled out my phone to see Maddie texted me. I opened the text it said she was on her way out of the apartment to come see me at work because she was bored and Ajax was being mean to her.

Great just what I need my boss to see me slaking off at work. That will definitely make him hate me even more than he already dose. I don't understand why he doesn't just fire me it would honestly make both of our lives better. I exited out of messages and opened Instagram when I when I was cut off by someone tapping my shoulder. I turned around to see my boss looking as intimidating as ever. I think if looks could kill I would have been dead before I turned around.

"Yea" I practically choked on my words shoving my phone in my pocket.
   "What were you doing" he asked his words so loud that people turned in our direction he really scares me.
  "Nothing just-" he cut me off.
    "Save it lovato lets go" he said grabbing my arm and practically dragging me to the back room where we kept the extra caramel and various coffee mixes.

"You are so in for it now" he said getting in my face as he backed me up against the wall.
  "I don't know-" he cut me off again.
    "Don't bull shit me I know it was you who poured caramel and chocolate on my office seat" he shouted at me.
  "I didn't do that" I said taking a breath as he finally got out of my face and started to pace around the room.

"Well your fellow co-workers say other wise" he said stopping in front of me looking me in the eye.
  "I'm telling you it wasn't me they just don't like me" I said feeling my phone buzz in my back pocket.
   "I'm gonna tell you this one last time lovato" he said grabbing my wrist digging his nails into the skin, so hard that he drew blood as he spoke again.
  "This is your last strike you mess up again and you're fired" he shouted letting go of my wrist walking out of the room.

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