Chapter 2

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I stood there for a moment not sure what to say. If she had Maddie I couldn't just let them leave if they had nowhere to go. Then again I couldn't risk them finding out about my issues and as much as I care they can just sleep in their car right. 

But for a week I'm sure that will get uncomfortable not to mention them getting mobbed by screaming fan girls wait...... actually I think I would pay to see that. If I let them stay they most likely won't be here half the time.

Also considering my fridge is half empty they might even buy me food. You know I could take advantage of this situation. I cleared my throat
  "After a few minutes of thinking long and hard." I said attempting to sound assertive which I could tell was miserably failing.

"I will let you and Maddie stay" she gave me gave me the biggest smile I swear her face was going to be stuck like that.
  "On one condition" she stopped smiling and had a more serious look on her face. 

"Rule number one My room is off limits don't even think about going near it or any of my things that includes Maddie" Demi's head follows me as I pace around the living room.

"Number two you're only allowed too stay here for a week and after that I never wanna see you again."

"Number three in the bathroom you are not allowed too go through any of the cupboards and I don't want your things in it. Keep all that girly crap to yourselves, and last but not least number four please don't invite any of you friends over famous or not I don't care" I took a breath because that was a hell of lot of talking.

She nodded contemplating what I had just said.
  "Seems fair enough so there's one more thing" of course there is I thought.
  "Maddie doesn't know that this is your apartment she thinks I'm just visiting a friend."

I sighed and rubbed my temples in frustration
  "Of course she does and how do you plan on telling her Demi." I put emphasis on her name at the end of the sentence. She sighed.
  "Well I was thinking." I cut her off by mumbling under my breath.
   "That sounds dangerous" she gave me a look and continued.

"Anyways I could bring her up here and surprise her" she smiled. I nodded
  "You know what that's a great idea" I said sarcastically clapping my hands together.   
  "Really" she perked up. I shook my head she sighed sitting on the couch.

"How else are we supposed too do this" I shrugged sitting on the couch with her.        
  "Well you're idea is the best and only idea we got so I suggest we do what you said and if she decides to freak out you'll talk her through it I guess."

She nodded getting back up and walking towards the door.
  "I'll be right back" she opened the door and left. I sat down on the couch what the hell did I just get myself into.

What of she hates me and doesn't wanna see me again. I got up and started too pace around the room thinking of all the possible things that could happen. I could tell I was on the verge of an panic attack which is very bad because demi and Maddie are on their way up now I can't break down right in front of them. 

Okay calm down Cara you can do this just breathe a few seconds later I calmed down that was a first I usually break down and cry on the floor for a while.

I could hear them outside the door I think demi told Maddie not to freak out or something like that. Okay here goes nothing there was a knock and it opened demi walked in with Maddie. Behind her she looked around the house before her eyes landed on me. 

She stopped for a minute doing a double take before speaking
"Cara" I nodded she slowly walked over to me with a confused look on her face. When she got to me she stood in front of me for a few seconds before throwing her arms around me.

Again I don't really like being lovey dovey but she's my sister.
   "I thought I'd never see you again" she nudged her head into my side. I looked up at demi and she was smiling sweetly at me and Maddie.

I hugged her back
  "Why would you think that." I asked letting go of her.
  "Mom told me so" Of course she did I bet she thinks I'm a deranged murderer or something along the lines of that.

"So did demi tell you what you're doing here yet" I said trying too change the subject. She shook her head. I gestured towards demi to tell her she cleared her throat.
  "We are going too be staying with Cara for a while but she does have rules."

I nodded looking back and forth between Maddie and Demi.
   "I'm gonna go too the bathroom I'll let demi explain then rules the I'll help you bring up your stuff up" I said before i could go demi grabbed my arm.
  "Thanks for letting us stay here we have a lot of catching up to do" She smiled. I nodded nervously and continued to walk to the bathroom.

When I was done I came out to an angry looking Maddie
  "What did I do now" i asked unsure of my words.
   "Why aren't we allowed to come in your room or touch any of your stuff and more importantly why can't I put my stuff in the bathroom" she shouted I sighed.

"Well I don't like my bathroom dirty and trust me 14 year old girl and pop star singer that's dirty written all over it." I walked past her and to the living room Demi must have gone down too get their stuff because she isn't here.

I hoped she would forget about the first question as we went into the kitchen.
  "Just tell me why and I'll leave you alone." She followed me around as I cleaned things up in the kitchen.
  "Please just tell me" I shook my head.

"Please why not if you loved me you'd tell me" I stopped in front of the sink and turned around to face her.
  "Maddie I do love you but this is just something I can't tell you so please don't go through any of my things OK" I put a hand on her shoulder she didn't look as mad as before but more understanding.

She nodded "I'm sure demi is also suspicious about my rules as well so can we pretend we didn't have this conversation so she won't freak out" she nodded I let go of her shoulder and took a deep breath.

"Good now lets go get your stuff" I walked away letting Maddie following behind me. I've definitely changed since the last time I saw Maddie, we used to tell each other everything when we were kids growing up, but I guess that changed.

"What took you guys so long" Demi said coming in with some bags. I looked at Maddie trying to get her to come up with an excuse she looked back at me.
  "we were um cleaning up the room before we could go in." Maddie said I nodded in agreement. 

I just remembered that Maddie has played in a few movies thank god for acting skills. She gave us a weird look like she knew we were up to something, but just shook it off.
  "OK well can you help me get the rest of the stuff from the car there's like two more bags" We nodded walking out the door.

"Nice acting skills Maddie" I said smiling. 
  "Yeah lets just get the bags" she said softly not even looking at me but instead at her shoes. Geez whats her deal one minuet she's all 'oh Cara how i missed you so' now she's all Luke Skywalker after he finds out Darth Vader is his father. 

I need to think of a way to lighten the mood, come on Cara think.... oh I've got it. "Hey Maddie" I sung she looked at me.
"Did demi tell you I have a cat" she smiled yes mission accomplished I mentally high fived myself .
"Where is he then" she asked as we walked up to the elevator. 

The door opened to my surprise there stood Ajax, don't ask how he uses the elevator its a much a mystery to me.

"Speak of the devil there he is now" he walked up to Maddie and sniffed her and continued walking.
  "Don't expect me to feed you when I get back." I shouted at him he hissed back.

"He's quite the cat" she stated I chuckled. 
  "And you'd think he'd be a little nicer considering I saved him from starving on the streets" she nodded agreeing with me. I sighed as the elevator went down I could tell that this was going to be the longest hardest and yet most excited week I've ever had. 


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