Chapter 7

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It's been 3 days since my sisters have been here, and only one for Jenn. I've managed to avoid as many conversations with them as possible by keeping myself locked up in my room. Demi has been gone all day thankfully leaving Maddie and Jenn here. Apparently she is only here for a short vacation for about 2 weeks, but she told me as soon as the convention was over she'd go get a room.

Which I'm glad about and since then I've been in my room watching friends on Netflix all day to keep my mind off things. I'm on season seven although I haven't really been paying much attention to it. I've been spacing out a lot staring out my window that overlooks the city, thinking about how I went wrong to make the voices come back.

Yea I did go to therapy and yes the woman did help me. But I stopped going because I was getting better and I thought I could do it on my own. Now that I think about it that's probably where I went wrong, I shouldn't have stopped I can't do it alone. I haven't eaten in days and even the thought of food repulses me, and I know I'm just days or maybe even hours away from grabbing the blade I keep under my bed and relapsing. I'm scared and I don't know what to do anymore.

A knock on my door interrupted my thoughts.
"One second" I shouted pausing friends setting the computer aside, proceeding to army rolling off the bed towards the door. I opened it to be faced with Maddie. I smiled at her making sure my sleeves were pulled down.
   "We were thinking about going out for dinner once demi came home."

She trailed off looking behind me into my room for a split second before turning back to face me.
   "Would you want to come" she smiled up at me in a seemingly innocent way. I know she was only getting me to come so she could pry more out of me about my secret, that's just the way Maddie was, and the way she will always be.

I know I can't go and I know I shouldn't either, but if I don't I know demi will bug me about it for the rest of the week. And if I do go I'll have to eat and when I say I'm not hungry and decide not to order. Everyone will suspect something, so then I think the most logical decision wold be to stay home. I could honestly give two shits what demi thinks of me.
   "Well?" Maddie questioned. I shook my head.
   "I think I'm just gonna stay home."

"You sure, I mean the restaurant we are going to is REALLY good." She was begging me, and now and if I didn't comply she would do something very annoying. "Maddie I already said..." I ran my hands through my hair.
  "I'll scream" she crossed her arms over her chest smirking.
  "You wouldn't" as soon as I said that she took in a big breath of air getting ready to scream.
   "OK fine I'll go" she smiled exhaling, victoriously knowing she got what she wanted.
  "But I won't like it."

"Be ready by 8 OK?" I nodded as she ran off down the hall way. I closed the door turning around to check the time. It's 6:00 now which gives me enough time to watch about 2 more episode's before I have to get ready. When I the episodes were finished I got in the shower by the time I got out it was about 7:15ish. That gave me enough time to get dressed and do my hair and make up.

She never told me I had to dress formal so I just put on what I normally wear to work. A plaid red flannel, jeans and my black combat boots. I looked in the mirror one last time, realizing my sleeves were up so I pulled them down buttoning the ends. I sighed checking the time, 7:45 I walked over to my bed turning around falling over onto my back looking up at the ceiling.

If you came up to me a week ago and told me my sisters were going to show up at my door, and that Jennifer Lawrence would be there to. I honestly don't know what I would have done. Maybe I could have ran, or hid, maybe I wouldn't have believed you at all. I'm not saying I'm ungrateful for seeing my sisters again it just...

You know what I don't know what it is, and putting it into words would be even harder. I would just like to get this stupid dinner over with so I can come home and pass out and never do anything ever again. A few seconds later there was a knock at the door.
  "Yea" I shouted not bothering to take my eyes off the ceiling.
  "Its time to go" I sighed hearing who ever it was walk away.

I pushed myself off the bed standing up grabbing my phone shoving it into my butt pocket. Looking in the mirror one last time making sure everything was OK, I opened my door stepping out, turning around to be faced with Jenn. Yelping I jumped back in surprise.
"why would you do that." I said holding my heart feeling as if it jumped out of my chest.

"Maddie told me you were hiding something, what is it." I gave her a confused look processing what she just said. Of course Maddie told her, just great Maddie thank you so much.
  "Secret, what secret I don't have any secret" God could I make it any more obvious great job Cara. She looked at me for a second.
   "don't worry I do intend on finding out." I watched her walk away before following her to the door.

"I don't have any secrets, and even if I did why would it concern you." I said scowling at her. She turned around smiled and said "because I care" then walked out.

Sort of a filler chapter, but don't worry.

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