Chapter 8

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She cares, but why.

Even if she did like me in that way it could ruin her career, I could ruin her career. I don't think I could live with myself knowing I did that to her. I guess I just have to avoid her like the plague till she can get a hotel room, hopefully by Friday. Let's just go get this stupid dinner over hopefully without and upsets.

We got in the elevator, as she told me Maddie was waiting downstairs for us in a cab. There was super awkward tension in the elevator. I could feel her keep sneaking glances at me, as I stared at the panel of numbers waiting for it to hit the lobby floor.

When it did I stepped, out feeling like a thousand bricks had been lifted off my shoulders. I saw Maddie waving to us from outside the glass doors shouting at is to hurry up. We ran outside getting into the cab. On the way she explained demi was waiting for us at some restaurant I cant remember the name of. I sorta tuned her out a few seconds after she started talking and stared out the window till we got there.

We pulled up to a fancy looking place that looked as though someone like me didn't belong. The driver stopped and we got out entering the building. I looked around to see people dressed in suits and extremely extravagant dresses. Geez maybe I should have worn my suit, that I keep tucked away in the back of my closet.

"Reservation for demi" Maddie said to the man standing behind a wooden pedestal. He nodded and motioned for us to follow him. There is so many people here and I feel like they're all staring at me. I thought to myself as he led us throughout the maze of tables.

We finally made it to the table where demi was seated talking on the phone. She seemed disinterested in us as we took our seats and the waiter handed us our menus. I took one quick glance at the selection of foods and decided on salad. It seemed like the only thing with the least amount of calories.

"WELL YOU KNOW WHAT" I jumped in surprise as demi shouted into her phone and then quickly hung up seeing she drew attention to herself. Taking a deep breath she calmly said.
  "Has everyone decided on what they want." I set my menu down slightly nodding along with everyone else. Soon after the waiter came and we ordered.
  "Are you sure that's all you want" demi asked after the guy had walked away.

"I'm not that hungry" I shrugged trying not to look at her.
  "You didn't come out of your room all day so, unless you keep a stash of food in your room somewhere you haven't eaten all day" Jenn added I could hear the concern in her voice.
  "Well I'm gonna eat now so could you just not, please" I put my head down on the table hoping they wouldn't suspect anything was wrong. I felt Jenn put her hand on my leg, and as I lifted my head seeing worry in her eyes while she grinned at me. I moved my leg away putting my head back on the table.



Something is wrong with Cara and Jennifer and me are the only one's who seem to care. Demi has been in her own little world since we came to Cara's. Always being on her phone talking to either her boyfriend or manager. She only went to Cara for help, otherwise Cara doesn't exist. I thought this would be fun. But now honesty I would rather be anywhere but here at the moment.
"Okay so how was everyone's day" demi asked in the fakest voice possible.

There was a pause and no one said anything until demi sighed.
  "well I had a great day, how about you Cara." Cara groaned and lifted her head off the table.
   "Can you just not talk to me please." Demi gritted her teeth and smiled as the waiter came with the food. She set down everyone's things.
  "if there is anything else I could get you let me know."

Everyone dug in. Except of course Cara, and demi just had to comment on it.
  "Why aren't you eating, the food Cara its very expensive" demi asked as snobby as she possibly could. Cara just shrugged eating a tiny piece of lettuce.
  "Well please eat we didn't come here to just play with our food now did we." Cara just rolled her eyes and returned to playing with her food.

Demi looked like she was about to explode, something besides Cara must have pissed her off enough to be like this. She slammed her fork on the table standing up. To which point all eyes were on our table.
   "You know what CARA, just eat your food and be glad I allowed Maddie to bring you along. QUIT BEING SO FUCKING SELFISH"

Cara didn't even flinch nor look up from her plate as demi shouted at her. She sighed dropping her fork standing up.
  "Don't come back to my house demi" and with that she walked away leaving the restaurant.


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