Chapter 4

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"This is your last strike you mess up again and you're fired" he shouted letting go of my wrist leaving me in the back room as he slammed the door.
   "Shit" I cursed under my breath holding my bleeding wrist. I grabbed some paper towels from the shelf in front of me, dashing over to the sink to avoid getting blood on the floor. I turned on the water and put my wrist underneath it, only to be taken back by a sharp pain in my arm.

I cleaned my wrist, wiped it off when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, someone was calling me it was probably Maddie. I grabbed my phone from my back pocket and answered.
  "Hey Maddie" I sighed into the phone.
   "Hey where are you" she asked clearing her throat.
   "Um I'll be out in a second I'm just washing my hands" I said turning the sink back on so she'd think I was actually doing it.

"Ok well hurry I want to taste your coffee making skills" she giggled.
  "Ok, I'll be right out" I said hanging up the phone putting it back into my pocket. I adjusted my green starbucks apron and fixed hair pulling it out of the ponytail I had it in and let if flow past my shoulders . Ih took a deep breath and put on a fake smile before walking over and opening the door. I walked over to the counter to be faced with a girl, a cute girl who looked to be about my age, and quite familiar.

I mean seriously have I seen this girl before. Like on tv or a movie maybe, we usually don't get many famous people in this part of town.
   "Umm I'll have a grande hibiscus tea" she ordered. I nodded punching that into the register as she handed me her money. I grabbed out a grande sized cup and sharpie
  "Name?" I asked taking the cap off the sharpie.
    "Jennifer" she said walking over to a table sitting down waiting for her drink. As I made the drink I stared at her while running her name through my head over and over. 

It's gonna kill me, but I'll think of it later probably while watching the news or something. I finished her drink putting the lid on the clear plastic cup.
  "Jennifer" I called out. She got up  and I noticed a small piece of paper she was holding in her hand. She grabbed her drink dropping the note in front of me. She smiled at me before walking away and out the door with the jingle of the door bell. I picked up the small paper and noticed her number along with a small message. 'Text me sometime' signed J.L.

Hmm J.L, I put the note in my back pocket with my phone and walked back over to the register.
   "Cara" I looked up to see Maddie who was waiting by the counter.
   "Hey Maddie, so what can I make for you" she furrowed her eyebrows together as if in a deep thinking process, which I'm sure she was.
  "Hmm how about a caramel frappe, but I want extra caramel" she said
  "Size" I questioned.
     "Venti" I grabbed the cup.

She followed me as I made the drink telling me when to put more caramel in explaining when she usually asked for extra they never did it how she liked it.
  "There" I exclaimed proud of the drink I just made
  "But don't come complained to me when your tummy hurts, because that's alot of caramel." She just rolled her eyes and grabbed the drink putting her straw in taking a sip at first, then a second later she took what I assumed to be the biggest drink of her life.
  "This is the best thing I've ever tasted" She basically yelled taking another drink. She reached for her bag grabbing out her wallet
  "So how much do I owe you" I shook my head.

"It's on the house don't worry about it" she nodded.
  "So hows work" she asked putting her wallet back into her bag.
  "Great actually" I lied stretching my arms over my head yawning.
  "Not many customers" I looked at the clock noticing my shift ended ten minutes ago.
  "Well, my shifts up so I'll go grab my stuff and we can go" she nodded telling me she would wait outside. I went to the break room where I keep all my things on a chair. I hung up my green apron and threw my hair back up into a ponytail. I put my jacket on and wrapped my scarf around my neck slinging my bag over my shoulder walking out of the room.

I met Maddie outside who was talking on the phone.
   "Ok mom love you too, mmhh bye" she took a deep breath after she hung up putting her head in her hands.
  "I see mom is still her old self" she nodded not bothering to look up.

"Anyways" she got up grabbing her bag from the table.
  "Let's just go back to your place" I nodded. On the way back we talked about things like how maddie was in school, and why she came with demi. I was more or less the one asking the questions, trying to avoid as many questions about my life as possible. When we did get home it was about 6:30 and we were both hungry.

"Well I'm not cooking anything" I said throwing my bag into my room not caring where it landed.
  "Well I don't really know how to cook" I nodded knowing she would definitely take after Demi.
  "Ok so how about pizza" I asked grabbing the remote off the coffee table, slumping down into the couch turning on the tv as she took off her jacket sitting next to m. "Nah I'd rather have pizza." I thought for a second thinking of a way we could improvise.

"How about we order both" I suggested she nodded adjusting herself on the couch with a pillow behind her back. I changed to the E! news channel, which had demi and maddie face plastered on the screen. I rolled my eyes as they moved onto the next celebrity, but just as the name came up I changed it.
  "Wait, go back" she rushed urging me to go back.
  "Whatever" I switched back getting up off the couch.
   "I'm gonna order the food." I went into the kitchen and grabbing the chinese menu. I called them first ordering what I thought maddie would like. Then I called the pizza place and got the kind I liked, but I didn't know what Maddie wants.
  "Hold on a sec" I told the lady on the other end. I walked in the living room.
  "Hey maddie what kind of pizza-" I stopped looking over at the tv screen to see a picture of the girl who gave me her number today. I lowered my gaze to the bottom of the screen to see her name, her full name.
  Jennifer Lawrence.

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