Chapter 10

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There was so much hurt and pain in her eyes before she turned around and ran. I tried to grab her hand, but I faltered as Liam grabbed mine spinning me around. No matter how many times I tried to explain to him I liked girls he just doesn't listen.
"Liam" I sighed tearing his grip on my waist.
  "Jenn just-"

I shook my head.
   "No Liam I can't just turn straight for you OK get that through your thick ass skull OK, I'M GAY" He stared at me with shock.
   "Yea now if you'll excuse me." I started walking in the direction she went. I made it too the street the alley came out onto, and looked around for her. I saw her disappear into the building; maybe I'll get some doughnuts to make her feel better and then try to smooth things over. Doughnuts always help me feel better, and I would assume it works that way for other people too.

There's a doughnut shop just around the corner, I saw it the other day and did happen to go in. I went in and about 5 minutes got a varying tastes of about 10 doughnuts. I walked back to the apartment complex and took the elevator up to her door. I knocked on and called out her name.
   "Cara." I turned the silver handle only to find it unlocked.
  "Cara" No answer.

By the third time I called her name I knew something was wrong I could feel it in my gut. I sat the doughnuts on the counter and entered her bedroom.
  "Cara" she wasn't in her bed dear god please don't be dead. I walked slowly over to the bathroom and noticed the door was cracked and the light was on. I opened the door and that's when I saw her, and the blood trail leading to her.

She lay next to the toilet, head on the closed seat both wrists sliced opened blood dripping from them. I couldn't even think I was paralysed in thought of why she would do this. I knew she was unhappy but I had no idea it was this bad. If she died now I would never forgive myself, god what if she's already dead. I rushed around finding two hand towels. I grabbed her wrists pressing down on them to try and stop the bleeding. I felt her pulse and it was barely there wiped away the blood to see she had cut vertically. I knew the blood wasn't going to stop so I called the hospital and before I knew it I was in the back of an ambulance, full of people bombarding me with questions.

I couldn't answer them, all I could think was please just be alive. Dear god don't let her die, because if she dies I don't know what I'll do. When we made it to the hospital they told me she needed a blood transplant and if i knew what her blood type was. I shrugged saying I didn't know, thankfully they found out and started a transplant. I haven't heard from the doctors in about an hour since then, and I was starting to worry. That's when my phone started to ring, I looked down noticing it was Maddie.

I walked into a hallway making sure no one was in it.
   "Hello" I croaked my voice was scratchy from crying and not talking in a while.
  "Where are you we came home to find blood on the bathroom floor and no one home, what the hell is going on." I let out a sob knowing I'd have to repeat it to her. "She tried to kill herself Maddie, I'm at the hospital." My emotions turned on me as I started to cry and slide down the wall I was leaning my back against.
  "They won't tell me anything Maddie, I'm scared." I bit my lip wiping the tears from my face.
  "We'll be there in ten minutes, just hold on and be strong for her OK." I nodded even though I know she couldn't see me.

She hung up. I returned to the waiting room after I having pulled myself together, when the doctor came out.
  "Family of Cara." He stood in front of me and told me that she was stable, but her heart beat is very faint and that she'd be OK before turning around and walking off. I took a deep breath knowing she'd be OK now walking back to my seat.

Don't get me wrong I'm entirely relieved to know that she's OK, but my thoughts still linger on why she would do this. And the way I saw her there half dead caused me more pain then she did to herself. I can't explain it I've never felt this way about anyone.

What am I gonna do with you Cara Lovato.

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