Chapter 6

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I was surrounded by my entire family even Maddie, they all circled around me shrouding me in darkness with their shadows. They all started repeating the same sentence over and over
  "You have to leave Cara, we don't want you here anymore we know you hurt that girl, You're a monster." I looked up at each of their faces. Maddie, who I thought was my best friend and favorite sister. Demi, who I was trying to accept her back into my life as a sister. Dallas, she didn't even say goodbye to me when I left, but I know deep down inside she does love me. Dianna, my mom I thought she loved me but I guess I was wrong. Then there was Eddie my step dad who I tried to push out of my life more times than one, which I regret every single day of my life.

 They started grabbing me pulling at my limbs, which were threatening to rip apart. Then all at once they pounced on me engulfing my body in pure darkness and hatred. For a second it almost seemed serene, I wondered to myself if this is what death felt like. Then all I heard was screaming and shouting. It was them the voices, the voices that controlled me and took over my life. They were back  and I think this time they might actually kill me.

"No" I screamed and shot up out of bed. I was drenched in sweat and the blanket wasn't even on the bed anymore. I sighed leaning against the bed frame knowing it was only a dream and the voices were not real.
  'Oh but aren't we' they boomed inside my head. No no this is all wrong I thought they were gone I thought the therapy helped, so then why are they back.
  'We are only here to help' they were interrupted by a knock at the bedroom door.
  "Um yeah" I croaked looking over at the clock noticing it was 3:30 in the morning "It's me Jen" she opened the door poking her head in the frame.
  "I was just wondering if I could maybe sleep in here with you, I don't like sleeping alone." I nodded taking a deep breath looking up at the ceiling.
  "Sure but you have to sleep on the floor" she smiled leaving the room.

She came back with a couple cushions and her blanket and pillow. I watched her set them up making a little bed, when she was done I rolled over facing the opposite wall. I heard her blankets ruffle around before she finally said goodnight to me. I listened to her breathe among the silence for a moment it before falling back to sleep hoping no more nightmares plagued my dreams.

I was awoken by the flash of a camera and what sounded to be a bunch of little girls laughing. I snuggled in closer to what I thought was my pillow, but I slowly opened my eyes to be met with a back. I looked up and saw short blonde hair in front of me, how did she get in bed with me. I jumped out of bed yelping. I looked over my shoulder to see demi and Maddie with their phones in their hands trying to cover their laughs.
   "Demi, Maddie did you take pictures of us" Maddie hesitantly nodded smiling. I scoffed
  "Get out" I pushed them to the door
  "Get out get out" I shouted slamming the door behind me.

"Hu what's going on" I heard Jenn say before moving around laying back down on her back falling asleep. I went into the bathroom grabbing a cup filling it with cold water. Walking back over to the bed I yanked the blanket off pouring water on her face causing her to scream.
  "What the hell" she wiped the water off her face.
  "Why are you in my bed, and how did you get there" I shouted setting the cup on my nightstand.
   "What are you talking about you're the one that told me to get in the bed with you in the first place" she exclaimed getting up off the bed.
   "What are you talking about, I did no such thing" I said as she came closer to me.

"Yes you did, I was almost asleep when you told me to get into bed with you" I had a confused look on my face.
  "You wanted me to" she took my face in her hand, is she trying to flirt with me. I shrugged her hand off breaking the intense state we had on each other.
"Well anyways I should get ready for work" she blushed looking down at her feet.
   "Oh um OK I guess I'll talk to you later." Oh man I hope I didn't hurt her feelings, now I feel bad. I went into the bathroom grabbing my phone checking the time, oh wait it's Saturday I don't have work. I left the bathroom turning off the light returning back to my bed. I love the weekend I thought to myself wrapping up in my blanket.

I do have to say though it was kinda nice having someone in bed with me when I slept, It felt nice not cuddling a pillow for once. I just wish I hadn't pushed her away, then maybe we could have some kind of relationship. I wriggled deeper into the covers and wished I hadn't done what I did while I fell back to sleep.      

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