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My brother had been eating lunch, and I realized how starving I was the second I saw it.

I hadn't eaten in a day and a half.

I grabbed the plate he handed me and piled my plate with food, and ate until I was stuffed.

"So you drove all the way from Florida with that guy?" He asked, chewing.

"Georgia actually. I made it to Georgia by myself," I nodded.

He was silent for a minute.

"Does dad know that?"

"Listen," I said, putting down my fork." Him and dad were best friends and I'm sure dad would not have cared, especially considering the circumstances."

"What circumstances."

I sighed.

"I basically ran away from our cousins, okay? I did. They were not going to let me come out here. Aunt Jess is extremely controlling."


"So I ran away and I barely had any money and I didn't want to ask dad for any so I just started...walking."

I braced myself.

"You WHAT?!" Scott stopped chewing and slammed his hand down.

"I made it all the way to Georgia before I ran into Wes at a rest stop."

"You....are even stupider than I thought you were. Wow. You literally should have been murdered."

"Oh shut up, I'm alive arent I?" I defended myself.

He scoffed.

"So anyway Wes was really nice and told me I could come with him since he was headed out here anyway."

"Okay." He wouldn't look at me anymore. "Just wait til dad hears about this."

I shrugged.

"I don't give a frick. I'm just glad to be gone from our cousins. Meghan's boyfriend was trying to MOLEST ME."

"What?" He bit out icily, finally looking at me again.

"Yeah," I mumbled.

"Did you tell them this?"


"And what did they do?"

I thought about it. They didn't do anything really, other than Meghan breaking up with him. I felt like they didn't want to believe it, so they just never brought it up, and I felt guilty almost for even saying anything at all.

"Um... Meghan broke up with him."

"And...what else?"

"Nothing. They never really said anything after I told them, like they barely even believed me."

"Wow. Screw them. What's the faggots name?" He growled, grabbing his phone.

"Ugh no Scott just leave it alone, he's just some dumb preppy rich kid," I said, shaking my head.

"What's. His. Name." He demanded.

"It's Chase, I don't even know his last name. "

"I will find him," he promised, putting his phone back down and finishing his meal.

I nodded, grimacing a little.

"So...what do you do out here?" I asked.

" I have cattle that I raise on the side but I do construction mainly. "

"What happened to Macie?" I asked.

"We broke up."

"Oh. Sorry. She was nice."

"Yeah well, just didn't work out."


"So what can I do?"

He shrugged, standing up and putting his plate in the sink.

" You can start with going outside and making sure all the water troughs are full. There's three, one in each field, just gotta turn the hose on if they're low. "


"I'm gonna go downstairs I've got some bills to work on."

"Okay," I nodded, and headed outside.

I jumped off the porch and headed towards the closest pasture, the one with the horses, and located the trough, which was still plenty full, then circled around to the other two cattle pastures and filled up the troughs in those.

When I was done I went and explored the barn.

It was large inside, filled to the roof with hay, and lots of spiderwebs hung from the rafters. I closed the door and headed out into the dry sunshine.

It felt nothing like florida, instead of a warm, enveloping blanket of humidity I felt a dry, gently warm sunshine. It felt nice, although I preferred Florida.

I would grow to like it, I thought, sidestepping a small cactus. Shoes were essential I noted.

I spotted two dirt bikes parked along the side of the house, a large one and a half sized one.

I went back inside and ran down the stairs to the basement.


"What?!" He said, jumping.

"Can you show me how to ride a dirt bike?"

"Oh, sure yeah, sometime," he said, turning back to his bills.

"Awesome. Where am I gonna sleep?"

"The um...ah the room right next to the bathroom, it's across from mine. You can tell the difference."

"Okay," I said, and trotted back up the steps.

I took my bags from the hallway and located my bedroom.

There was a single mattress on the floor, and nothing but a sheet on it. There was a gym set in one corner and a bunch of junk scattered around.

Obviously this was the room my brother threw everything in because his room was beautifully neat.

I tidied it up and stacked all of his stuff in one corner, found a broom and swept the floor, stripped the sheets off the bed and washed them.

Suddenly a wave of loneliness hit me and I curled up on the bare mattress and cried, all my pent of tears of the last two days coming out in a torrent.

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