Chapter 1

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I walk into the fancy restaurant not knowing what to expect. I might be meeting up with some creep or with my soulmate. A couple weeks ago, I matched with a 37 yo millionaire on an app for rich people, and he invited me here.

The host shows me our table. A handsome man is sitting on one of the chairs, waiting for me. As soon as he sees me he stands up and greets me by kissing my hand.

"Hello dear, you must be Davina. What a pleasure to finally meet you!" he says nervously.
"Nice to meet you too Adolph!".
He goes behind my seat gesturing for me to rest.
"Wow...I never thought you'd be that beautiful..." he exclaims shyly.

Once we're done with all the awkward introductions and greetings, I can't help but stare deep into his emerald green eyes. I get lost in them for a moment but return to reality after I realize the waiter is asking me what I would like to drink. I order a Martini and he does the same.

The night goes by, and even though the guy is extremely handsome and polite, I start getting uncomfortable. He's radiating bad vibes. He's nice and respectful to a point where it feels sketchy. It's not until he inappropriately caresses my knee under the table that I escape to the bathroom.


I finally decide to go back, excuse myself and get the hell out. He follows me outside, trying to get a hold of my hand. At this point I'm literally running for my life.

I suddenly bump into a tall, slightly blonde, blue eyed man. I take him by surprise and kiss him, trying to hide from the freak I had a date with. He pulls back and then, seeing the fear in my eyes, goes back in for a kiss. Once Adolph passes us, I thank the beautiful stranger and, as I'm turning to go back to the restaurant to get my car, he grabs me by the arm. Oh God No! Ugh not another one! WHAT HAVE I GOTTEN MYSELF INTO??

"Are you ok?" He asks, concern clear on his face.
"Yes, I had a date with some guy. It was nice and all until he started getting touchy and too pervy, so I escaped but he followed me and that's when I met a handsome man that I kissed" I explain.

He laughs.

Oh no Davina why are you so dumb...HE ONLY ASKED U IF U WERE FINE WHY TF DID YOU TELL HIM ABOUT YOUR WHOLE LIFE STORY...and omg WHY TF DID YOU CALL HIM HANDSOME TO HIS FACE. Ughh I feel like I want to vanish from this earth...WHY DON'T WE HAVE A THANOS.

"Oh wow...i'm flattered you think i'm handsome...I mean look at you GORGEOUS. I'm Chris's my number in case you need a captain america of some sort 😉" he says.

We exchange numbers and after he asks for my name, we go our separate ways. It feels like i've seen this guy somewhere...but I can't seem to remember where from!

I open the door to my gigantic mansion my head in the clouds. I'm thinking about my kiss with handsome Chris. The more I replay it, the more I feel butterflies in my stomach. I can't get over the softness of his lips. The warmth of his touch. How gentle and delicate he was. Too bad I may never see him again.

I hate this house. Too big, too empty, too many painful memories. GOD I WISH I COULD BURN THIS PLACE TO THE GROUND.

I get undressed and enter the bathroom to take a long, relaxing, bubbly bath. After the events of tonight I really need one. I light some scented candles I got from bath and body works and get in the hot, nearly burning water. The smell of vanilla invades the room, easing all the tension in my body.

I wake up after a while feeling like i'm drowning in the tub. Every time I close my eyes, I see him. I feel his hands around my throat choking me. I relive all the bad memories he engraved in my mind. All these years I was trying to forget him in vain. I'm scared to sleep at night because I fear his death was nothing but a fantasy of mine that never got fulfilled. I fear that when I wake up, he'll still be here, actually suffocating me.

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