Chapter 3

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It's been a week since the disastrous date happened. I've been doing nothing besides staying in bed, watching romance movies and eating ice cream. Sometimes it feels like love is not for me. Like i'll never find someone who'll make me feel like the most beautiful, most important person in the universe. I've contemplated sending Chris a message but I couldn't bring myself to do it. He must've already forgotten about me.

Today, i'm feeling productive and ready to get out of bed. I shower, dress up and head to the bar I own, where I meet up with the manager to discuss a few important things.

Tonight, i'm going to be one of the bartenders just so I can feel a little bit useful in life. It's been a while since i've last done this job. I used to work at this exact same bar 6 years ago.

Wow it's crazy how time flies.

It's 21:00 and the place is already full. It's a crazy night. Drink after drink and customer after customer, I've barely had time to sigh.

As i'm mixing a "sex on the beach", I see a man take a seat on one of the stools in front of me . He's wearing sunglasses and a cap. It's almost as if he's hiding. But...why tho?

He looks at me and then smiles. Do I know him? Ugh idk, whatever. What's weird is that he's built exactly like Chris. He orders a bourbon, and asks me for a refill almost 20 times.

WHAT'S WRONG WITH HIM, he looks off.

He stays there, silent, camouflaging the entire evening. Once the bar is finally empty, he takes off his disguise and my eyes widen at his sight.


I freak out internally while trying to look calm on the outside. Gosh it's my second time seeing him and I still can't put my hand on where i've seen him before.

We talk for a while and I melt every time he smiles. The more we hold eye contact, the more I drown in his gorgeous ocean eyes. Off and on, my gaze slips to his lips, reminding me of how soft they feel.

Once it was time to close, I invited him to my house. There, we decide to watch a movie in the theater downstairs. It's only then that it hits me.


Wow, I knew I was dumb but I never thought i'd be THIS dumb.

"Chris Evans huh? I can't believe I just realized that" I say.

A cocky smile appears on his perfectly handsome face.

"I'm not gonna lie, I enjoyed being treated like a normal person for once. After seeing you the other day, I couldn't get you off my mind and at the same time I couldn't get myself to contact you because I feared you wouldn't remember me. I asked about you. A lot. That's how I knew about the bar and that's the only reason I went there. Davina, I really want to get to know you more-" I press my lips to his, interrupting the monologue he was giving.

As the kiss gets more and more intense, I move to sit on top of him. My hands automatically slide down, grabbing the hem of his form fitting T-shirt. I pull it up, undressing his upper half and revealing his perfectly defined abs. He gently runs his tongue across my lower lip before biting it, making me moan into the kiss. When I start unbuttoning his pants, he grabs my hand and whispers very sexily in my ear "I wanna take it slow with you."

He plants a kiss on my forehead and puts me back on the seat next to him. Why chris...WHYYY...I was enjoying every second of it. I rest my head on his shoulder and we go back to watching the movie.

I wake up the next morning in the theater. I take a look *on my left* and see Chris sleeping like an angel. How can one person be so hot yet so cute at the same time. I slowly get up and go to my room. I put on a very revealing, près du corps red dress and finish everything off with some gold jewelry and black heels. After I do my makeup, I rush to the kitchen to prepare him a tasty breakfast.

While i'm flipping the omelette, I feel his hands wrap around my waist. I get hot all of a sudden.

"Good morning beautiful stranger" I say smiling as I turn to kiss him.

He smirks.

During breakfast, I catch him looking at my neck a couple times. He must be regretting telling me to take it slow.


I get up, my back facing him, and walk to the kitchen counter exaggeratingly swaying my hips. Let's teach him a lesson he'll never forget.

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