Chapter 8

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Chris' POV

Davina fell asleep in between my arms as we were cuddling. I gaze at her beautiful angelic face. Sometimes I look at her and wonder what could be going on inside that head of hers. At first, she seems like an open book, but the more I spend time with her, the more I notice how mysterious she is. I mean...I just discovered that she has been married before. Who knows what more is hiding behind her kind smile. I run my hand through her brown hair and I feel my eyes sparkling. GOD I LOVE THIS GIRL. I'm sure that whatever she's keeping away from me will not make me love her any lesser.

Davina's POV

It's the next morning. I find myself on the couch outdoors, Chris holding me. He's still sleeping. I press my lips against his and watch as his breathtaking blue eyes open. He smiles and goes back in for a kiss.

We go inside and I bring him with me to my room so I can get ready for the day. He sits on my bed and I start getting undressed. Looking at the mirror, I see him behind me, his eyes closed.


I slowly approach him and sit on his lap, only wearing a bra and panties. He still doesn't open his eyes. I kiss him.
Nah his eyes are still shut. Ugh I give up.

While i'm doing my makeup, someone aggressively knocks on the door.


Chris offers to go open it.

"WHERE IS SHE?" I hear someone shouting from downstairs. It's weird because it sounds exactly like my dad. It couldn't be though because he knows nothing about me or about my life.

"DAVINA" chris calls.
I rush down to see what's happening. I freeze at his sight.

No. How. Why. When. What. WTF.

"Here is my beautiful little girl!" the disgusting dickhead that is my dad exclaims.

"Your WHAT now?" I say, all the annoyance in the world clear in my voice.

"Awhh aren't you gonna give your lovely dad a hug?" He asks spreading his arms.


I look at Chris. Once again, he's in shock, and once again I understand why. I hate my past, I hate my family, I hate my background, I HATE EVERYTHING I WAS BEFORE THE DEATH OF THE GARGAMEL I MARRIED.

" reasonable for at least once in your life" he has the audacity to say.

"Be reasonable? With the man who was the reason my life was shit and whose psycho of a girlfriend shot me? Yeah I think imma pass on that. Now get out before I call the cops." I hiss.

"Wait what? Your girlfriend shot Davina?" Chris says obviously very confused.

"Chris, please go upstairs for a little and then, when this creep leaves i'll tell you everything...well not everything only the relevant parts for today's event." I say in a calm voice.

He obeys, leaving me with the one person I hate the most in the world, besides my dead husband and my toxic ex boyfriend.

"Ok now that we're alone, what do you want...and please be quick because 1. I don't have time for your bullshit, 2. I want you completely out of my life as soon as possible and 3. Just make it quick before I lose my patience and call the cops on you." I threaten.

"I'm in a huge need of money and I didn't know my daughter was rich until this morning when Sarah (just a reminder that it's his fugly gf) mentioned it." He gabbles making me laugh at, yet again, HIS AUDACITY.

"And...why do you need money?" I question.

"Your brother (ah yes I have a half brother...I almost forgot about that) had a small incident at school and we needed to take him to the hospital...I just need some money to pay the fees and get him out" he tells me.

I know he's lying. He must be indebted because of his alcoholic tendencies and his addiction to poker.

"Dad, please, I don't have siblings and the kid you have from your whore is definitely not my GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE." I violently say.

"Not. A. Chance." He proceeds to say.

Before I can argue I hear gunshots.


I make sure I was not injured and that Chris was nowhere near. Thinking of Chris, I see him coming down to rescue me. I love my captain america but I don't need him. I run to the drawer extremely close to me and pull out a gun. Chris' eyes widen.

"You know I never miss so get out and never come back here, I knew my brother was safe and that he was nowhere near the hospital."

He puts the gun down.

"GET OUT" I scream at the top of my lungs.

He does as I say.

I slam the door behind him. Ugh deja vue.
I call my lawyer and ask for a restraining order.

Poor Chris...he's terrified. I walk him to the sitting room and there, I tell him everything about my toxic ex boyfriend, my parents' divorce, my mom's suicide, my one year isolation and the night Sarah shot me. I know it's a lot to take in but I had to. Hopefully he won't get scared and run away. Especially that that's less than a dot in a huge ocean of trauma and darkness.

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