Chapter 14

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Chris and I are sitting on the beach, sunbathing, his vacation house right behind us. He lays his hand on my inner thigh and gently strokes the area. I lean in, parting my lips and taking his between mine. His movements are slow, as always, his touch is warm and tender, his lips are luscious and lustful. The kiss is demonically passionate, unhurried, intimate and sweet. I lightly take his lower lip between my teeth and I pull it back slowly, driving him crazy. I feel a smirk form on his face.

One sexy make-out session later, we're engaged in a staring competition. I love how we can go from being the hottest we've ever been to doing the most ridiculous childish stuff. I guess that's what makes us a unique and crazy couple. Of course he wins because not even 3 mins into it I burst out laughing, obviously blinking.

"Hey Dav, do you wanna join me in the water?" He asks

"Chris...i'm not sure I can"

"Why boo?"

"I JUST CAN'T" I explode

He takes me between his arms and comforts me

"Hey hey it's okay don't you wanna talk about it?"

I hesitate for a moment.

"One day...while he was still alive...I was taking a bath and he came in. He started choking me and hopped in..." I say, my voice breaking and my eyes watering.

He gives me caring puppy eyes and caresses my head.

"Since that day...I haven't been able to go into the water without panicking at some point. Every time I shower...every time I take a bath...I fear it's gonna happen again..." I continue.

He kisses my forehead and stands up. He then proceeds to pick me up and walk us to the salty water. I keep my legs wrapped around his waist, my arms around his neck and my eyes into his. No one can reassure me, comfort me, make me overcome my own demons like he does. This man is the only person who can make me forget my past.

We watch the sunset, my head on his lap, and then we go back into the house. We shower and dress up because he's taking me on a date. Before he puts his shirt on, I walk up to him, trace his perfect abs with my finger as I look deep into his eyes, and plant a kiss on his stomach. I really don't know why I did that...I don't even know what went through my mind...I just did it. He scoops my face, puts it close to his and kisses me intensely. I love the way his lips taste...I love his lips, they're so addicting.

He takes me to a seafood restaurant. We order calamari (yum yum), a greek salad, shrimps and grilled cod plates.

"I want to take you to Greece" he mentions

"I'd love that...when tho?"

"How about tomorrow?"

"In...double triple in"

He smiles at my excitement

"Thor is my favorite avenger" I say out of nowhere

"Yeah he's mine too...I meannn HAVE YOU SEEN HEMSWORTH?! Hot AF"

Here we go again...Chris and his obsession with Chris

"Definitely...if I had the choice I wouldn't have met you but him instead" I tease, knowing it's going to make him jealous

He gives me a dirty look

"You're gonna regret saying this princess. Just wait till we get back home." He threatens playfully .

AAAAAAAA YES I'M GONNA GET DOM CHRIS TONIGHT. Normally, I would avoid this type of sexual behavior due to all the abuse i've been through...but with him, it's...different. I know he's not going to hurt me. I trust him.

"Can I be honest with you?" I ask


"Sometimes when I look at you...I have the urge to bite you. IDK's sooo random"

"Oh wow good to know...not weird at all " he laughs and holds out his arm to me

"What?" I say confused

"Bite me"

Oh ok lol...I look at his veins and I suddenly turn into Klaus Michaelson. I give his arm a psychopathic stare followed by an also psychopathic smile and I bite him.

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