Chapter 13

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Clara's POV:

I looked up and saw THE KYLE DRYWOOD! If you're confused Kyle Drywood is the most popular bad ass in our school. He's the one every guy wants to be and the one the girls want to date, but he's never been interested in dating the cake faces and is always getting into fights. He was quite tall he might have been slightly taller than Ryan and he had light brown surfer style sweep hair and he had the brightest most beautiful emerald eyes. All in all he was quite attractive but I don't go chasing him around like every other girl besides Marley and I because I know it would be pointless.

After my big long train of thoughts I looked up and laughed a little looking down at my shoes, then I looked back up at him and apologised. I started to walk to my locker since my little encounter with Kyle didn't make me that upset anymore to the point that I wanted to cry. "Hey no it's okay." He said, I turned around and had a smile on his face, I smiled back and them turned back to the hallway. That was THE FIRST time I've talked to THE Kyle!! Wow.

The rest of the day went by quickly but miserably and I've been avoiding Ryan with everything I've got. But as soon as I knew it, it was the end of the sucky day. I was walking to the car park but was stopped by someone grabbing my arm.

I turned around and saw the last person I wanted to talk to, Ryan Freaking Miller. "Please go away Ryan." I asked tugging my arm from his hold, "hey listen Clar about before-" I rolled my eyes "let me guess it wasn't what I thought it was?" I asked sarcastically. I know I'm probably overreacting but I mean c'mon why Angie?! That girl hates me more than the devil himself! We used to be best friends before I found Marley but then one day she completely shut me out and begun to turn everyone against me, if it wasn't for Marley I could've been a complete outcast.

"Yeah." He said calmly, "well I don't want to hear it, i saw you two, she was kissing you and you were kissing her back, basically making out." I said and started walking, bu then he grabbed my arm again. "Clara-" he said getting annoyed, "Let me go." I tried getting my arm out of his grip, "wait-" I finally got my arm out of his grip before he could finish his sentence and then jogged away from him.

My brother was already by his car waiting for me so I climbed in and then after a minute or so we were on the to home. The whole night was quiet until I was getting ready for bed I heard the familiar ding on my phone, notifying me that I have received a message. I looked and it was from Ryan.

(R-Ryan, C-Clara)
R- hey listen the thing wif Angie it didn't mean anything
C- Ryan the thing is, was that you kissed her back :(
R- Dammit Clar it didn't mean anything!!
C- no! If it didn't mean anything you wouldn't have kissed her back!
R- you know what your impossible!
C- well good bye Ryan

After that I put my phone back on my bedside on the table and rested my head on my pillow. I started to sob silently, Marley was right I fell in love way too fast. That was the last thought until I drifted off into an uneasy slumber.

I don't want to go to school tomorrow. :(

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