Chapter 3

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Chapter 3:

Ryan's POV:

I don't even know why I was being rude to her in the first place. I guess I found some amusement out of it, but hey all girls love the bad boy so yeah you know. Recess was finally over and 2 classes later I haven't seen her since. I was worrying, wait what am I saying ugh Ryan just shut up.

"Hey do you know where Clara is?" One of her friends that was sitting in front of me asked the person next to her. "No idea I haven't seen her since the start of recess." The other replied just as they were about to continue Clara rushed the through the door and to her seat. "Sorry I am late Mrs James." She apologised and sat down, but all the way to her desk which is diagonal from mine she avoided eye contact with me. Her eyes were red and puffy. Oops

"Hey are you okay?" The girl in front of me whispered to her. "Yeah I'm fine Marley." Clara said but when she faced her friend she looked over at me and gave me a glare. I stuck my tongue out at her and she just turned back around. The rest of the day was boring. When school was over I said bye to the people that hung around me at school and went over to my bike.

Before I was off I chose a song on shuffle on my iPod. I chose The Dilemma By You Me At Six. So I was off back to my mums house.

"Hi honey how was it?" My mother asked while making I think it was a cheesecake or something. "Fine and what's that for?" I asked while grabbing out a bottle of water from the fridge. "Oh yes we're going to the Kirston's tonight dear." She said while mixing the batter. "Ugh!" I groaned while walking up the stairs to my bedroom. I took out my green and black iPod Dock.

I plugged my iPod in put my music on shuffle and it played Tonight Tonight By Hot Chelle Rae. I put it loud and just started walking around my room bobbing my head up and down randomly to the beat.

Clara's POV:

School was finally over and I was now In the car listening to some Taylor Swift song. Ugh why, I thought it would be great having him back, but what happened to him? He's changed so much. I was pulled out of my thoughts by my brother waving his hand in front of my face. "Earth to Lara!" He yelled out playfully. "You okay?" He asked. "Yeah fine." I said while hopping out of the car.

"Hey mum." I greeted my mother who was cleaning the house more than usual. "Oh hi honey could you help me clean the place up a bit." She asked while dusting off the living room bookshelf. "Why?" I asked stretching my arms above my head lazily. "Because Ryan and his mother are coming over tonight. Isn't that exciting?" My mum asked happily. I groaned out loud and walked to my room well more like stomping. Great now I have to deal with Mr Pain in the behind all night hooray! (Note the sarcasm)

Ugh it's not fair!

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