Chapter 5

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Chapter 5:

Clara's POV:

I sighed and went to my bed, lying down I put my headphones in listening to Chloe by Emblem 3 when my eyes closed and I fell into a dreamless sleep. I woke up the next day at 6:56, wow 4 minutes before I'm meant to wake up that's surprising since I almost sleep in everyday.

I walked over to my closet and grabbed light washed skinny jeans, a white baggy singlet, a black beanie, my black vans and some underwear. I walked into the bathroom, I washed my body in the shower and washed through my long blonde hair. I climbed out and put on my clothes and blow dried my hair. Since it is naturally curly/wavy I just left it flowing down my back. After blow drying my hair I put on my beanie.

I walked down stairs to the smell of nice warm tea (one of my favourite hot beverages) and coco pops. I walked over to my usual spot at the dining table with my bowl of coco pops and a nice cup of warm tea.

"Morning Clar" my big brother said walking over to his spot at the table. "Hey Bails." I say smiling at him. "So I heard Ryan is back in town." He said while taking a spoonful of coco pops. I mentally groaned but nodded showing him I have no interest in the topic so he instantly dropped it. After I finished my breakfast I walked up to my room and grabbed my backpack, iPod and headphones.

I put shuffle on and Sk8ter Boi by Avril Lavigne came on and I skipped all the way to my brothers ute, waiting for him. After about 4 minutes he finally came and we were on the road.

The car ride was the normal and we reached the school a happy looking Marley waiting for me. "Hey Mar!!" I exclaimed. "Hey Lara!! How are ya??" She asked while walking with me to our usual spot we hang out at. "Oh I'm alright you??" I asked whilst yawning tiredly. She giggled and replied "Haha I'm good." She said smiling. "Um okay haha." I said uncertain at how much she was giggling.

"Hey did you see the new guy? He's quite a hunk don't ya think?" She asked me whilst wriggling her eyebrows. Eww Ryan!! "Ew Marley gross and hey don't you have a boyfriend you weirdo." I said eyeing her. "Yeah so? I can still fan girl!" She said sticking her tongue out. She really is a delusional helpless cause.

After walking a few steps Brody came up to us and greeted me but then started making out with Marley. It started to get awkward so I walked to my home room class.

The day went by pretty quick but sadly I kept on getting weird mischievous smirks from Ryan. Great :/. Since my brother had to work late I walked to the park to sit around for a while. I put on my music and Outisde By Calvin Harris feat. Elle Goulding started playing when I sat down on one of the park swings. I was about to start day dreaming when I heard an awfully annoying voice "Well lookey who we have here." It was Ryan. "Oh great, it's the soothing sound of an oh so lovely jerk." I said whilst turning around on the swing to face him. "Why are you giving me a death glare?" He said smirking. "Cause you're a jerk and I despise you." I said with venom clearly evident in my voice. He looked sad and dramatically putting his hand over his heart but he had some sort of sadness come into his eyes but it soon vanished. Hmmm interesting.

"Ouch." He said chuckling whilst sitting on the swing next to me. "You don't seem to like me as much as you did when we were like 6." Wow captain obvious. "Really?? Wow." I said sarcastically "and that's only because out friendship ended the day you arrived because you acted like a jerk to me." I said standing up and walking back towards the school so my brother can take me home. "You know I can still make you fall for me now like you did before." He said smirking mischievously. It's true though I had a major crush on him but not now. I turned around "Haha okay but what you don't get it I'm not lie those blonde bimbos that fall for you the minute they see you." I said giving him a challenging smirk. "Oh but just you wait and see I'll have you falling for me by the end of the term." He said smirking adorabl- no Clara!! Ryan Miller is not adorable. "Okay try me." I said smirking and then I turned around walking back to school." See you tomorrow Kirston." He said and that's the last I heard of him that night.

Ryan's POV:

I wanted her really badly if I was being honest because she was so much hotter than the blonde cake faces at school and I wanted to show her that I can get any girl I want just to boost my ego.

Clara Kirston you have no idea what you're in for

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