I made my way into the Ystad police station to start another day,I had just reached my desk when I am greeted by my collouge Magnus Martinsson
"Look who finally decided to come in today" Magnus teases
"Good morning to you as well Mags" I tell the tall blond
"I thought you should know that Kurt is back" Magnus tells me seriously
"Oh" I say,I know Kurt wouldn't like me as my mother is his ex wife.

I sat at my desk as Magnus sat on the edge
"I didn't know Kurt was back yet" I say
"He wasn't ment to be back yet,but Kurt never listens to his doctor" Nyberg adds walking past
"Don't worry Y/n,it will be alright" Ann-Britt says joining us
"I hope so" I say,the two leave and do there own work.

I sat going over the case we are currently working on,the door to Lisa Hoglason's office opened and she came out with Kurt.I didn't look up but I could feel one if not both of them looking at me.This is the day no one was looking forward to,everyone knows how Kurt is about his ex.He still wore his ring for some time after the spilt, or so I was told.

"Isakson have you goy the report I wanted?" Lisa asks me
"Right here" I say,I grab the file and make my way over to the boss.I could see Kurt was not pleased about me,but I ignored him and focused on Lisa instead. I tried to not look at Kurt as Lisa read over the file
"Right Kurt I want you to go and reinterview the witnesses and I want you to take Y/n with you" Lisa tells Kurt,who walks off mumbling to himself.I reluctantly follow after him,as I pass Magnus-he mouths
"Good luck."

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