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I had just finished talking to Magnus on the phone,when Kurt came back out of the house.We got back into the car and drove off.A few moments into the journey Magnus calls me back
"Go ahead Mag's" I say
"Well this Tessa Carlson is a journalist and a very noisy one at that.She has been arrested several times for trespassing and being a general pain."

"Who does she work for?" Kurt asks,as I have the call on speaker
"No one,she is free lance" Magnus tells us"Hold on a moment "we hear Magnus talk to someone then say" There had just been a call of someone trespassing on a farm "
"What's the address?" Kurt asks
"Its Leone's farm" Magnus says.

"I know that farm" I say ending the call,I tell Kurt the address and within moments we arrive. We exit the car as a woman walks out of the farm house.The woman has dark brown hair and is wearing red glasses
"Y/n that was fast,I only called a moment ago" Leone says
"In the area" I tell my friend.

"Where's the trespassers?" Kurt asks
"Last I saw she was by the barn" Leone says, Kurt draws his gun and heads to the barn"Who is he?"
"That is Kurt Wallander" I say
"Linda's father?"
"The very same."

"And your paired together?" Leone asks
"Yep Lisa's idea" I say"Now I need a statement from you".Whilst I got the statement, Kurt came back to us with the woman matching Tessa Carlson's description
"Is this the woman you saw?" Kurt asks Leone
"Yes that's her,she was snooping around my cows" Leone says.

"I was checking for stolen cows" Tessa says
"That's our job reporter" I say
"That woman let my sheep lose,so I need help with that" Leone says
"You can do thatY/n" Kurt says,leading Tessa to his car and then driving off.

"He doesn't like you does he?" Leone asks
"No he doesn't" I agreed
"I appreciate the help anyway" Leone tells me
"Yeah I know,I would get Mags up here to help but he is busy" I say
"Shame I would have loved to catch up with Magnus" Leone says disappointed.

"I'll tell him to stop by soon" I say
"You two a thing yet?" My best friend asks
"Leone" I say shocked"Magnus is my other best friend "
"And your point" Leone tells me
"I don't want to cross the line and ruin our friendship" I say
"So you do like him?"
"I didn't say that"
"No but you haven't denied it either"

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