It took me and Leone the biggest part of two hours to find and catch all the missing sheep.By the time all the sheep were safely away,my shift for the day was over,so Leone gave me a lift back to the police station so I could collect my car and go home.And I need a shower,I'm all sweaty and a bit muddy.

Luckily most of the station is empty so there is no one to see me-or so I think
"What on earth happened to you?" I hear a familiar voice ask
"Chasing sheep" I say turning to the owner of the voice and see a grinning Magnus
"Darling that is what a sheepdog is for" Magnus tells me
"You don't say" I say sarcastically.

Once I've collected all my stuff,I walk outside with Magnus and go to my car
"See you tomorrow sheepdog" Magnus calls,I ignore him as I search for my car keys,only I can't find them
"You have got to be joking" I say out loud
"Problem lassie?" Magnus asks coming back over to me.

"Lassie wasnt a sheep dog" I tell him"I cant find my keys"
"Did you leave them in the station?" Magnus asks
"No,I think I lost them chasing the sheep" I tell him
"Mabey you could stay with a friend tonight" Magnus suggested.

"Your my friend Mags,so can I stay with you tonight?" I ask him,Magnus starts to blush and stutter
"Do you have a secret girlfriend, is that why you don't want me there?" I ask the tall man
"No" Magnus says quickly
"...okay" I say unsure.

"Anyway shall we go" Magnus says,changing the subject
"Sure,where is your car?" I ask
"No car, I only live a few moments away" Magnus tells me
"You mean I have to walk,but I've been running" I pout.

"Okay fine,get on my back" Magnus agrees reluctantly.
"Yay" I say happily, Magnus's 'live only a few moments away' turned into a twenty minute walk
"Your not as heavy as I'd thought you would be" Magnus says
"Oi" I tell him
"What you do eat loads of cookies" Magnus teased.

"So I work out...when I can be bothered" I say
"So never" Magnus asks
"Basically" we both laugh at this.We arrive at Magnus's place and I walk inside as we both to big to fit threw the door together
"Would you look at that,its clean" I say looking around me
"Hey I'm a tidy person" Magnus defended.

"Tell that to your desk at work" I sass him
"Whatever, now what about food?" Magnus asks me
"Pizza" I say
"More junk food" Magnus says picking up the phone
"Neither of us can be bothered to cook,and we both love pizza so its a win win"
"If you say so lassie."

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