The car ride over to the witnesses home was a long,quite journey. Although I don't know Kurt personally, I had heard all about him from his collogues and of course from Linda.I can tell from the look on his face that he doesn't want me here,but how is it my fault Lisa paired us together. Like how is it my fault Kurt's marriage broke down and his wife met and fell in love with my dad.

I think what bothers him most,was that Inga must have been having an affair with Isak because I was born not to far into their relationship. I'm pulled from my thoughts when I notice the car has pulled into a farm
"Take notes and do nothing else,is that clear" Kurt tells me.

"Yes but..." I try
"No arguments" Kurt says
"I'm not arguing, I was going to say there is a man out there pointing a gun at us" I tell him,Kurt looks out of the window and sees a middle aged man with greyish hair,and a shot gun pointed at the car.Kurt lowers his window and calls to the man.

"Mr Gustavson,its Inspector Kurt Wallander from Ystda police,we spoke on the phone before"
"Are ya alone?" Gustavson asks
"Just with my...collogue" Kurt says,the man lowers the gun and the two of us slowly open the car doors and step out of the vehicle.

"Mr Gustavson has there been an incident?" I ask the man, Kurt gives me a look but I ignore him
"Who be you then?" The man asks me
"I'm Detective Y/n Isakson,I'm newish to the Ystad Police" I say kindly to the man,he nods at my answer
"Aye there has been a nosey woman with a camera, around her recently" Gustavson says.

"Can you describe this woman?" Kurt asks
"Let's see now...tall,slim,Lady type woman in a skirt suit and glasses.Pretty lass,though not as beautiful as yourself" Gustavson says to me
"Aww thank you" I say,I hear Kurt scoff and I turn to him"jealous Kurt,that someone hasn't called you pretty"I tease.

"Did she give a name or leave a card?" Kurt asks
"That she did" Gustavson hands me a card which says
'Tessa Carlson,journalist and finder of the truth'
"Let's find this Tessa Carlson." I say
"Get Martinsson to do it" Kurt says,he follows the old guy inside,whilst I call Magnus.

"Hey Mags,I need you to look for someone"
"But Y/n,I thought we where so happy"
"Very funny Mags,I'm serious I need info on this name"
"OK spoil sport,tell me the name and I shall work my magic"
"Tessa Carlson, she is journalist"
"Right I shall see what I can do,by the way how's it going with Kurt?"
"Not great but not crap either"
"Its a start."

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