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After the Levinson's had said what they had come to say to me,the rest of the day seemed to be on autopilot for me. I don't really remember doing much at all for the remainder of the day. Somehow I got threw the day and made it home in one piece, I just kept going over the conversation. And every time I did new questions came to mind. Why wouldn't Inga tell Kurt I'm possibly his daughter? Why did Inga lie for years to me and Issac? If Kurt isn't my father, then who is?

I just couldn't grasp the concept of Kurt being my father, my biological one at that. To some the simplest way of finding out the truth is a DNA test,but that will still leave all the unanswered questions. I'm more than certain that Inga won't ever tell me the truth,or Kurt for that matter. I decided to call Linda and see what she makes of this information.

I had just picked up the phone to make the call when there is a knock on the front door,not excepting a visitor I carefully answer the door.
"Y/n are you alright,you haven't been answering my calls?" Magnus said worriedly
"Calls,what calls?" I ask, I look at the phone in my hand and see several missed calls from Magnus"Oh sorry the sound was off on my phone"

I allow Magnus into my home
"How are you?" Magnus asks"You didn't seem your self all day,after you and Kurt spoke to that old couple"
"Well after what they said to us,I'm not surprised" I say sitting down on the sofa
"What did they tell you?" Magnus asks sitting beside me
"They are convinced that Kurt is my actual father" I tell Magnus
"What? How can they know this?" Magnus asks.

"They lived next door to my mum when she was married to Kurt,they some how believe that Inga kept me from Kurt out of spite" I say
"Wow that certainly raises a lot of questions" Magnus said "What about your sister,does she know?"
"I was about to call her" I say picking up my phone and calling Linda's number. She answered straight away
"I wondered when I would here from you" Linda said.

"You know then?" I say
"Yeah Dad called and told me all about the Levinson's, and the bombshell they dropped" Linda said"How have you handled the information? "
"Every time I think more on it,I just get more questions" I tell her"And knowing Inga so well,she certainly won't tell us anything "
"Don't worry about Inga,I will talk to her" Linda says.

"Will she tell you anything though?" I ask her
"I will work on her and see what she can tell me,and if she won't talk we can try altogether. We will get to the bottom of this lie one way or another" Linda tells me
"Did Kurt say anything about how he feels about all this?" I ask my sister
"He didn't say to much,just that he would like to know the truth" Linda said

"Me too,well see what you can do with Inga and let me know anything you can learn" I say,we said our goodbyes and I ended the call
"At least you aren't alone in all of this" Magnus said
"Well Kurt and Linda have a right to know the truth as much as me" I tell him"I'd just like to know when something good will happen"
"Don't I count?" Magnus asks
"Of course you do Mags,I just mean with finding out Issac isn't my dad,my mum lying to me my whole life,Some good must come soon?"

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