We got back to the station and I went to find Mags and let him know what is going on, whilst Kurt went and spoke to Lisa. We might not have decided yet if we want Tessa's help but we still need to inform Lisa about the Tessa situation. I found Mags at his desk doing some paperwork,I sat down infront of him
"Mags have you got a few minutes?" I asked,he looks up from his paper work
"I always have time for you sweetheart" Magnus said" How can I help?" I explained everything to Magnus about what had gone on since I left my home this morning.

"..she gave us twenty four hours to decide" I finished
"Well that is unexpected" Magnus said" But why would Issak hire a reporter,it doesn't make sense?"
"That's what Kurt and I thought" I said" He more than likely wants answers like we do,so he hired Tessa to get them for him"
"It makes some sense,so what do you need from me?" Magnus said
"We need you to look deeper into Tessa Carlson's past,she if she was actually a divorce lawyer at one point and see if she has had some kind of relationship with Issak as well" I said.

"Wait you think Tessa has something to do with Isaak?" Magnus asked
"I think so,I mean why else would he hire her. There are more reporters out there but why pick Tessa "I said
"Maybe he just likes her work" Magnus suggested" Or as you said they have a history of some kind "
"That is what I would like you to try and work out" I said" Kurt is talking to Lisa about this and I will be speaking to Leone and Linda to get there opinions on this"
"Alright I will work my magic and see what I can dig up" Magnus said.

Time skip several hours

It is now early evening and Kurt,Lisa and I are waiting to see what if any information Magnus has managed to find on Tessa's past. It hasn't been easy considering the first time he looked for information on her,there wasn't much. But Magnus said that he would do all he can to get us answers. The door to Lisa's office opens and Magnus walked in,once the door is closed behind him Lisa spoke
"Tells us Magnus have you managed to find anything out?"
"Yes but not threw Tessa,I got the information needed threw Isaak Issakson instead " Magnus said.

"And"Kurt said
"Tessa and Isaak do have history,a romantic history in fact" Magnus said" They dated in school for a few years then spilt up,Isaak married Inga and Tessa dated her next door neighbor Baxter. Then four months ago Tessa and Issac began an affair behind Inga's back " Magnus told us
"Wait Issak was having an affair,how do you know this?" I asked
"Tessa got into a car accident and her emergency contact is listed as Isaak,and according to the hospital report Tessa told the staff that Isaak was her fiance " Magnus said.

"Well that explains a lot of things " Kurt said" Isaak and Inga are as bad as each other"
"Now we know how Tessa knows Isaak,the question is do we agree to her work?" I said
"Normally I would be against this sort of thing,but if it gets you two the answer you need then you will have to go for it" Lisa said
"We still have time left before Tessa want's an answer " I said" I want to know the truth either way"
"Agreed this may be our best chance of knowing the truth" Kurt said
"That is if Inga will tell Tessa anything" Magnus points out
"We will just have to hope."

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