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Unfortunately for me and Kurt,by the time we got to town Tessa Carlson had gone and no one had seen where she had gone to. We headed back to the station and Kurt went off to run Tessa threw the database, to see if he could find an address. I headed back to my desk and did some paper work. As the evening went on most people went home,I have contacted Leone to ask her to join me and Magnus in town soon.

At 7:50pm Magnus came back to my desk and the two of us headed outside and got into my black Volvo and I drove us to town.

Magnus's P.O.V

On the drive to town I received a text message from Leone
'You have the evening ALONE with Y/n don't waste it ;)' the message read
"Is that Leone?" Y/n asks
"...yes...she can't make tonight" I say putting my phone away
"Oh that's a shame" Y/n says. The car stops in town and we exit the car"So what shall we do?"

"Let's get some food" I suggest
"Now that is an idea" Y/n says smiling, it makes me feel good inside knowing I can make her smile like that. The two of us head down the road to look for somewhere to get some food.

Y/n' s P.O.V

We eventually decided to stop in a pub that also served food. We sat down a table and looked at menus. After a few moments a waiter arrives and we place our order of food and drinks. Whilst we wait we talk casually
"Why do you think Leone couldn't come?" I ask Magnus
"I don't know, maybe a animal has a problem" Magnus says.

"Yeah probably" I agree
"Did you and Kurt find the reporter again?" Magnus asks changing the subject
"No she had already left town before we got there" I tell him"Before we left work,Kurt was trying to find an address for Tessa"
"I don't think there is one,when I did research the first time" Magnus says.

"Well I guess Kurt will have to give up then" I say
"I see yours and his working relationship is getting better" Magnus says as our food arrived
"Yeah it is slowly getting there,I think Kurt no longer hates me" I tell him
"I don't think Kurt fully hated you,he just judged you before he knew you" Magnus says.

"That's true" As we sit and eat  conversation flows causally between us. Sitting here with Magnus after a bad week just makes me feel so much better. I think its a combination of Magnus being my best friend and my crush on him. We finish our meal and talk for a little bit longer,we paid for our meal and head back to my car.

I drove Magnus back to his home ,I pulled up outside and turned to him
"I'm glad you suggested we have this time together, I feel so much better" I tell him
"You are welcome sweetheart" Magnus says smiling, even with the cool evening air blowing in threw the open window,I could feel that my face is burning with a blush
"You're the sweet one Mags" I tell him.

"Oh I beg to differ" Magnus says leaning closer to me. It was at that moment I looked into his beautiful blue eyes and got completely lost in there beauty. I didn't realize that I'm moving closer to him until my lips meet his own surprisingly soft lips. To my even greater surprise Magnus doesn't push me away but kissed me back. A soft moan leaves me as Magnus deepens the kiss,I run my hands threw his curly blond hair enjoying the feeling of them.

Sadly we have to part due to a lack of oxygen
"So Kurt and Leone where right,Magnus does like me" I think to my self" I think we should do this more often"I say to Magnus
"Kissing,oh I most agree" Magnus says smirking
"...I...er...meant going out together, but I won't say no to more kissing" I say shyly
"Then we can call tonight our first official date."

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