"What makes you say that?" Magnus asks
"Its the way Inga said it,she paused halfway threw the sentence. It was as if she was going to say his name,but stopped" I explained
"Surely if your mother knew her one night stands name,she would tell you right?" Magnus says
"Evidently not" I say sighing
"Would you like me to talk to her?" Magnus asks.

"That is sweet of you Mag's,but I don't think she will tell you" I tell him. At that moment two things happen at the same time. One is Leone walked into the room and the other is my phone ringing.

Magnus's P.O.V

Whilst Y/n answers her phone I went and spoke to our friend Leone
"How may I help?" I ask her
"I've brought Y/n's car keys for her" Leone says holding up the keys
"I'm afraid it will have to wait,Y/n is not having a good day" I tell her
"What's wrong?" Leone asks.

"Since Y/n didn't have her keys yesterday,she stayed with me at my place last night. She got an urgent call from Linda this morning about something important, so Y/n left mine and went to her sisters. She arrived at work not to long ago and isn't very happy" I explained.

"What happened?" Leone asks,I glance over to Y/n and then back to Leone and say quietly
"Linda told her that Isak isn't her real father" I say
"What?" Leone says shocked
"I know,and Inga says her real dad is a one night stand,but Y/n thinks she is lying because when her mother said about the one night stand,she paused" I say
"That's awful,poor Y/n".

Y/n's P.O.V

Whilst Magnus went and spoke to Leone, I answered my phone
" Y/n no longer Isakson"I say
"Y/n its your father" my no longer dad answers
"You are not my father Isak,and you know it" I tell him
"Look just because your mother lied to the both of us,doesn't mean you have to shut me out of your life" Isak says.

"Why do you care?" I ask
"I'm your father, I raised you and I care about you" Isak says,I laugh bitterly at that
"You have never cared for me Isak and you never will" I say
"Y/n please hear me out,this is a chance for us to start over. We where both lied to by Inga" Isak pleads.

"You have been a stranger to me my whole life,and now you want to know me when I'm finally free of you" I tell him
"Y/n wait..."
"Don't call me ever again Isak,and tell your lying wife to stay away from me" I say angrily, I slam down my phone and stand up and hurry from the room.

Kurt's P.O.V

I had just arrived at the police station, when I see Y/n and she looks very upset. Not seeing Martinsson around, I walk over to her
"Y/n" I say,she turns to me and I can see she is on the verge of tears"What's wrong? " at that moment the tears began to flow down Y/n's face. I remember what Magnus said about being nice to Y/n,so I gently pull her to me and hug her,surprisingly she didn't push me away.

I stand holding Y/n as she cried onto my shoulder. I thought I would feel awkward doing this,but it remained me of the few times I comforted my own daughter when her husband was away. Y/n stopped crying and stepped back from me slightly
"Sorry about that Kurt...bad day" Y/n says quietly
"I've been there" I say"Is there anything I can do to help?"

"No but thank you for asking" Y/n says,we walk into the station in silence. Once we reach Y/n's desk she turns to me and says "Thanks for that back there, I needed that"
"Its no problem" I tell her,as Y/n sits down at her desk I head to Lisa's office.
"Am I seeing things or did you just be nice to Y/n for once?" Lisa asks teasingly
"No you where not seeing things" I say"Y/n is Linda's sister,its about time I stopped blaming her for something she had no control over."

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