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"Don't worry Y/n good will come out of all of this" Magnus tells me
"I hope so" I admit
"Let's focus on the now for the time being" Magnus says" What about we take your mind off all of this,at least for the rest of today?"
"What did you have in mind?" I ask curiously
"Well we could always go out for the evening or if you don't feel like that we can just stay in,and watch some movies together" Magnus said
"Let's stay in" I say
"Good choice, you get us some food and I will try to find a movie or six to watch" Magnus says kissing my forehead.

Magnus's P.O.V

As Y/n went into the kitchen, I took my phone out of my jeans pocket to turn the sound off when I got a phone call
"Martinsson" I say answering the call
"Hi Magnus its Leone" my friend greeted me
"Leone how have you been,I haven't heard from you in a little while?" I ask her
"I've been good,I've just been looking after my farm" Leone tells me.

"That's good" I say"Y/n has had an interesting development in her dad thing "
"Oh good news I hope?" Leone asks
"That is debatable" I begin" Well Y/n was told today from some old neighbours of hers,that there is a possibility that her father could actually be Kurt"
"What? Really?" Leone asks shocked
"Yes really,Y/n can't fully believe it either" I say"On a more happier note,me and Y/n have been on our first official date."

"Its about time you two got together, I've wanted this to happen for some time" Leone said happily
"It happened that day you didn't meet us,we had our date and first kiss" I say smiling at the memory
"Awwww,I happy for the both of you" Leone tells me"Well I won't keep you any longer,say hi to your girlfriend for me"
"I will,bye Leone"
"Bye Magnus."

Y/n's P.O.V

I just walk back into the front room in time to hear Magnus on the phone with Leone
"I will,bye Leone" Magnus said and ended the call"Leone says hi"
"How is she?" I ask putting the snacks down onto the table
"She is good" Magnus said "I hope you don't mind sweetheart but I updated Leone on your dad situation and us as well"
"I don't mind at all Mags,Leone is a our friend so its fine" I say kissing him on the cheek.

"Thanks babe" Magnus said
"How many more pets names do you have for me?" I ask sitting beside Magnus as he started a random movie
"Plenty Darling" Magnus said
"You are so cheesy Magnus Martinsson" I tell him
"You know me beautiful" Magnus said grinning, I laugh at him. I'm glad Magnus is here to make me feel better after the day I've had I certainly need it.

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