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Y/n P.O.V

Whilst waiting in Magnus's room for Kurt to leave, I get board so I decided to be noisy in Magnus's room. But I found nothing of interest at all and no further indicate of a secret girlfriend. 'Maybe he doesn't have one after all' I think to my self,which of course is good news that he is single,but he probably doesn't fancy me.

Whilst I'm in the middle of my thoughts war,the bedroom door opens and Magnus comes into the room
"Kurt has gone,you can leave my room now"Magnus says
"What did he want,a case?" I ask as I follow Magnus back into the living room.
"No not a case...he wanted to talk about you actually" Magnus tells me.

"Kurt Wallander wanted to talk about me?"I ask in disbelief
"It suprised me to,since he hasn't been the nicest person to you since he for back" Magnus agrees
"What did he want to know about me?" I ask
"What your relationship is like with your dad" Magnus tells me
"Weird he doesn't like my dad,why care about our relationship?" I ask sitting down on the sofa again.

"Maybe because Kurt has a poor relationship with Linda" Magnus suggests
"That is possible, I mean Linda got married and never invited Kurt" I say
"That was a bit mean" Magnus says,sitting at the table
"Yeah but Kurt has a tendency to forget or to work longer" I tell him
"It sounds to me that neither you or Kurt know each other properly, you only know what you have been told by others" Magnus tells me.

"I guess" I admit"So do I get to know Kurt or not?"
"Kurt needs to be at least civil with you,we all work together" Magnus says. We sit in silence for a few moments,as I think over what Magnus has told me
"Y/n can I talk to you about something,quite personal?" Magnus asks
"Mag's your my best friend, you can tell me anything" I tell him.

Magnus gets up from his seat at the table and cross's the room to sit beside me
"You know how we have been best friends for years and you asked me last night if I have a secret girlfriend" Magnus begins.

"Yeah?" I say unsure where he is going with this
"Well I know you probably don't believe me about not having a girlfriend as I answered to fast...well that is the truth,I don't have a girlfriend. But I do actually like someone" Magnus tells me
"So are you going to tell me this woman's name?" I ask.

"Its..." Before Magnus can say anything more,my phone began to ring. I get up from the sofa and walk over to my coat and find my phone. I look at the screen and see it is my sister calling
"Hey Linda,what's..." I ask answering the call
"Y/n are you busy?" Linda asks cutting me off
"No I'm with a friend, why?" I ask
"I need you to come to my place now,its really important" Linda says.

"Okay I can be there in a hour" I say and hung up
"What was that about?" Magnus asks
"Linda wants to see me, she said its important" I tell him
"Then you had better get going" Magnus says
"But you where just about to tell me something" I protest
"It can wait for another day" Magnus says,as he watches the woman he is in love with walk out of his door,without knowing his feelings for her.

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