Without my car I had to get a taxi from the police station to Linda's home. It was weird for Linda to call me up like that and want to see me,I grew worried about what was going on. I thought over various different ideas in my head as the taxi pulled up,after paying the fair I got out of the taxi and walked up to the front door. I knocked once and the door opened to reveal a worried Linda.

"What is going on Linda?" I ask her
"Let's talk inside" Linda says,dragging me into her home. She leads me to the living room
"Where's your husband?" I ask not seeing him
"At work" Linda says "Now Y/n what I am going to tell you,will upset you but it is the truth"
"Linda you're scaring me" I say.

"Let me explain" Linda begins"Your father Isak came here last night drunk,he was looking for you"
"Why would he look here?" I ask
"Don't interrupt" Linda says
"Anyway, I thought it weird he would come here. He said he'd had a argument with mum,about your birth" Linda says.

I nod but say nothing
"Somehow Isak had gotten it into his head,that you aren't his daughter. He said Inga was already pregnant with you when they got together" Linda tells me
"Why would he think this?" I ask
"Our mum screamed at him" she isn't your child"and that just made his paranoia worse"Linda says.

"So my dad had doubts about being my father,then my mum made it worse by telling him he isn't my father" I say "Hold up,you said he was drunk...?"
"I know what you're thinking, but I called mum this morning and she...confirmed everything" Linda says
"So Isak isn't my dad" I say shocked
"Yes,I'm sorry Y/n" Linda tells me.

"Call mum,I want to hear her tell me the truth" I say,Linda calls up our mum
"Hello" she says
"Hi mum,I've got Y/n with me" Linda says
"I'm going to just ask,why didn't you tell me Isak wasn't my dad?" I ask her,it was silent for a few moments
"I did it to protect you Y/n,your father is a waste of space" Inga says.

"That's no excuse to not tell me,I have a right to know who my father is" I tell her
"Your father... Is a one night stand" Inga says
"That's just great" I say"So I'm not the result of a cheating wife but of a one night stand with a stranger."

"Its not like that" Inga pleads
"Forget it,I'm going to work" I say,standing up and leaving Linda's home. I decided to use the walk to think over everything that I had found out. One thing that stood out to me most of all,is why did Inga hesitate in telling me my dad is a one time thing. Its almost like she was going to say something else but changed her mind.

I arrived at the station and walked inside,ignoring everyone around me. I head straight to my desk and sat down. I notice the picture of my parents in better times,I push the picture into the bin. I sit staring into space,unaware of what is going on around me
"He lassie,did you have a nice walk?" I hear Magnus's cheerful voice,as he sits down at his desk.

"I'm not in the mood Magnus" I say,not looking at him
"Oh you called me Magnus,am I in trouble?" Magnus teased walking over to me
"Its not you Mags" I say sadly
"Hey why so sad?" Magnus asks more serious "What did Linda want?"
"It turns out Isak isn't my father" I tell him.

"What?That's not right is it?"Magnus asks
"I wish" I say"I'm the result of a one night stand "I say bitterly
"Oh sweetheart, I'm sorry you had to find out this way" Magnus says taking my hand
"It's OK Mags,I don't think Inga was a hundred percent truthful anyway."

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