Aiden Did WHAT?!

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It was a very eventful day for Prince Rudra of Naga-Loka the day he found out his cousin had found his way on a billboard on the highway. 

He had woken up in the morning and eaten 'cereal' and watched 'TV' for a couple of hours, then done a bit of jogging (which also resulted in him sprinting back to the house with a couple of gophers at his tail), and then admired himself in the mirror. 

Today, the Potatoes had decided to meet up at Home Depot (for a meeting and because it was the only place that they could think that would make them look a little less abnormal). So when it was time to go, Aiden and Rudy waited outside the doorstep in the frosty cold for Brynne. 

When Brynne finally did come, a pale ghostly driver in the driver's seat, Brynne got in the passenger's seat, and Aiden with Rudy in the back with a picnic basket filled to the rim with yummy Indian sweets (he swore to Lord Indra that he did not take any sweets. Nevermind that was a lie.) 

By the time they got there, the basket was halfway done, Brynne was having a laughing seizure, Aiden was blushing so hard, and Rudy was just in shock. 


That's why I'm here people.


As they were on the highway to Home Depot, they got stuck in a bit of...What do you call it? Right, traffic. 

As the red and white lights streamed through all the windows of the car, Rudy took his time to watch the bright...whatchamacallit? Right, billboards. 

Ads flashed up on the screen, one of a story base called Wattpad, one of a new Samsung phone, blah blah blah, you get the gist of it. 

That was until the toothbrush ad. 

You heard me read me right. 

The toothbrush ad. 

With his cousin's face smack-dab in the middle of the billboard, smiling brightly, showing off his bright white teeth, which were looking whiter than normal. He was gleaming, actually, with bright white LED lights rimmed around the billboard, making Aiden look...golden. Freaking gold boy. 

He held up some new electric toothbrush, and for some reason, no bird went and pooped on the billboard in a cliche manner! Which would've been way better! No matter how much Rudy loved his cousin (a teensy weensy tiny bit of his beautiful soul)-


Brynne, who was the last one to see it. She only noticed it when Rudy had yelped in surprise. Aiden started blushing profusely, trying to hide his face, and sank into his seat. Brynne was laughing so hard, it looked like she was having a seizure. 

"Someone get a freaking picture!" Rudy fumbled for Brynne's phone, snapped a photo, and decided later he would send it to Aiden's phone to get an excuse to crush it. 

While sending it, he sent it to the Potatoes group chat. 


Daughter-Of-Death: Wait! Why did I not know about this?

Clairvoyancy_Suckers: I knew this day would come.

Flower-Girl: still trying to figure out how to change my user, SHEELS

Clairvoyance_Suckers: comingggg

Lightning-Girl: forget everything still WTH

Daughter-Of-Death: Bee, is this true?

The only reply Rudy was happy with a little was Aru's. Whatever WTF and WTH meant. 

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