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So, I understand it's not Christmas anymore and all, but still. 

I mean come on guys.

"Merry Christmas, Santa!" 

Brynne tried to uphold her smile, "I'm not Santa!" She said in a cheerful tone but grimaced when she looked down at her red and white apparel. 

"Alrighty, Santa!" The little boy hopped off her lap and pranced away to his mother.

"Mhm," Brynne looked at her best friend Aiden, who had left his dark green jacket and jeans at home and was dressed up with a pointy hat, shoes, and a striped stocking under bright green shorts. He stepped toward Brynne, set off every jingle bell hanging off him, and sighed. 

"You need to smile more Bee. Santa's supposed to be jolly, not depressed," He showed her Shadowfax's screen, lighting up with the picture he had just taken. Yeah, that Santa was not in the Christmas mood.

"Why are we doing this again?"

Aiden looked back down at his camera, "Krithika Aunty had to run upstate for a last-minute convention, and left Aru in charge of the museum for a day."

"So that's how I died."

"Yup. Do you know where Nikki is? I think some kid grabbed on your hat and ripped it off." Aiden looked around, and on cue, Nikita Jagan and her twin sister Sheela Jagan popped out of nowhere, dressed in green-and-red elf outfits with candy-cane buttons. Aiden's costume now looked like he got it off eBay. 

"I have a feeling it was the grabby candy cane one. Ugh, his mouth was all slobbery too." Nikki grabbed her set of bobby pins and got to work. 

"Hira says the baking in the kitchen is going good, but she is about to run out of chocolate chips, so we sent Mini to get some, but I don't know how long that's going to take. Aru's leading the tours and everyone seems engaged enough. Oh, and Rudy? He's not actually doing a bad job with the sign-flipping. We got a steady intake of visitors every moment. I've been helping out at the front desk and so far, I believe our profit is about $1000 at least." Sheela breathed. 

"I've been sweating in this Santa costume, meeting around 300 kids, for only 1000 bucks?" Brynne growled. 

"We get paid." Sheela said. 

"Oh sweet!"

Sheela perked up, "Oh and also, we promised live Christmas music, so..." she eyed Aiden.

"But I'm taking photos!" Aiden held up Shadowfax protectively, huddling further away from the group.

"The Santa line closes in 15 minutes, Rudy's on his way back, and people are waiting..."

Nikki stood up, "C'mon Aiden, you gotta give the people what they want."

"I'm not letting myself be the only one embarrassed. Hey, Aru will really appreciate it!" Aiden blinked at Brynne's remark. 

"Absolutely not." 

"HEY, GUYS!!!" Rudy shoved between Aiden and Nikita, "How's it going? I heard embarrassing. What did he do? How much does the footage cost?"

"We need him to sing a couple of Christmas songs, but he doesn't want to do it." Sheela explained. Rudy's mouth popped open into a perfect 'o' and he grinned. 

"Wait. What about Rudy Rocks?" He nudged Aiden and Aiden's eyes widened. 

"No, that's even worse."

"Aiden, c'mon cuz, you're my main singer, we have to do this. What do they want? Wham!? Jingle Bell Rock? Mariah Carey? I have a Spotify playlist-"

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