1. 4 letter words

218 12 3

6 years ago

I never thought I would see this day.

But here I am.

I'm not entirely sure how or why but, I do know that I am currently graduating with the highest absentee rates this school has seen for a long time.

Of course there is reason for my absence, and that's for me and only me to know.

Well, also the apparently the school.

Outside this forced circle, no one knows my name because they made no effort to speak to me.

But rather I am known for my antics concerning the man sitting next to me right now.

Leonardo Jacobs Martinez.

Captain of the soccer team, one of the top Spanish students and the most eligible bachelor not because he is single by choice. But,because he is the most experienced and successfully well known existing player within these walls.

The worst part, this fucker is good-looking.

Like if Heath Ledger came back to life and mixed his sperm with Henry Cavil and Theo James and if Chris Hemsworth spat in the sperm and Jenifer Lopez donated her eggs and Angelina Jolie gave birth.

That's how I would describe Leonado's physical appeal to the naked eye.

He is god damn good looking but, still a tool.

Like right now I'm looking at his thigh through his trousers and the muscle is prominate and is making its presence know to my hormonal mind. I Inhale and desperately try to advert my eyes elsewhere travelling up the equator until, his hand draws my attention instinctively my eyes follow his veins travelling up his wrist twist and turn like grape vines stopped by his shirt that is reminding me to focus on the ceremony happening.

Hello My ceremony for, my graduation.

"Like what you see Jacklyn, but I'm afraid the veins on my hand do not resemble the vines of grapes"

Shoot me dead.

He heard me.

You said that Out loud. Girl-

With embarrassment flooding to my brain I don't dare make eye contact with the demon child next to me. Otherise I know for sure that I will be in debt to satan himself.


After the sappy fake speeches and the shitty musical performances, it's my turn to walk on stage and receive my awards and diploma. All I can think is to not trip and fall, cause it the last thing I need to happen today so Leo can get the last laugh.

Ha, I think not sir.

I think my most intelligent move of the day was wearing high heels.

The stiletto kind.

We look at the end of the aisle where a teacher is marshalling us towards the front of the stage, where we will walk and official be done with this shit hole.

By the way.

My name is Ines Jacklyn-Jolong.

The name my mother ever so blessed me with along with her curly Afro 4c textured hair and round face, but I missed the chance to get her hazel eyes.

Instead, I got dark brown eyes that are described as black by every person I do Icebreakers with.

Mama used to say I was the perfect blend of the two of them. Her and my absent father.

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