8. We had one job

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"Martinez, Martinez, Martinez how do you feel about returning this season after the events that occurred with your wife and your child ?"

I know that face, you see Martinez has always been outspoken and confident. But when it comes to personal matters he dies down and loses his jerk-like complex and becomes lost in his head.

I've observed him for years and know not to go there with him, even with all our pranks I always knew that Martinez has always had his shit going on in his life, but it was never my place to delve into that.

But it seems these reporters don't respect him and are doing anything to get a story from him.

He doesn't need this.

He doesn't deserve this.

He looks around the room unsure of what do next. "i'd rather not answer"

"Martinez, have you considered what you will do with Nate since your games and training clash and the history of false media articles, "

"Yes my son will be in good hands and I have a talented lawyer who is working on my contracts and, brand deals and any false media that is published"

Talented. I cringe at the use of the word.

Yeah right, there is no way he means that and he is so trying to get under my skin.

Nate sits next to me in the back where we lay low and watch the conference go underway. At first Nate said he didn't want to be here and then he spotted Leo and everything changed. I have watched him sit there in awe of his father.

Although I think he's getting a bit too ansy.

He looks like he wants to run around in circles, he is literally standing on the chair now and about to perform a rendition of let it go.

"Hey bud can you please hold the worms in your pants for five more minutes, please" at this point I'm whispering and trying not to draw any attention to us.

"No silly, I don't speak worm, silly" okay, how the hell do you call down children Yes a distraction.

"Here take this" I hand him a paper plane which I made in 10 seconds "oooo it's a jet" he sits quietly to observe his new distraction.

Look at me go the sugar high child whisper. Ha I've totally got this.

I look back at Nate to find him missing .


I look under the seats and whisper shout his name. Fuck, Martinez is entirely going to kill me.
I don't want to prove him right. I stand from my seat and begin the mini child hunt. As I creep closer to a different row with reporters watching me with confused looks and the occasional "are you okay?" I hear a plane noise coming from the frount of the conference.

Double shit.

It's Nate running towards Martinez. And all I can do is watch, I can't be seen running for cameras, heck I don't even run for my trains you think I'm going to run for Leo's son?

All eyes follow Nate running for his dad.

"Daddy daddy look Ines made me a paper plane"

Security step forward but Leo raises his hand in a halt motion.

I pause and watch as Leo opens his arms for his son to run into. Just like that there is silence and then as if there was some univeral signal was given, all the camreas started to flash and clicks became unbearable to me.

But to him, it didnt phase him. Leo seemed content and in the moment with his son, I saw something in his eyes. Pride or joy.

I watched the world fade in his moment, It was only Nate and himself. They had been having a conversation for the past five minutes and Nate was showing Leo the plan and describing it in deatail.

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