9. You Cant be serious

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My weekend consisted of researching myself in a pathetic attempt in trying to ignore the fact that my client, enemy whatever you want to call him.

I am now according to the media, "Leonardo's new girlfriend"

Now they haven't been saying things that bother me. You know other than the fact that, I AM HIS GIRLFRIEND.

What in the fuck in hell is wrong with the world. I'm his lawyer, I do his contracts, I deal with defamation, I deal with his multimillion dollar deals and endorsements and his massively huge ego.

Yes,I also watch his kid when he is not available, because he needs to play to provide.

But the fact that I am now, being publicly displayed and labeled as a heartless tramp or my personal favourite "the slut from down under".

Who am I kidding that's Ella's personal favourite. She won't stop singing it around the house.

I spoke to mama briefly, on the phone after the multiple text messages I received from her expressing at first disappointment of me not telling her that Leo and I were together. Then she expressed concern in finding out that none of it was true. She then said what everyone seems to think repeat.

It'll blow over soon.

Now it might, but it doesn't change the fact that there are TikTok edits of me putting Nate on Leo's lap and speaking to them telling them to be on their best behaviour. But, at this angle it makes it look like we were kissing.

This was not in my contract. If anything it should have been.

But maybe it was, in the finest print the could find to make me miss it. Or it could've been footnoted.

"Ines, your spiralling. Name something green in the room?" Oh I forgot to mention this is a therapy session with my therapist Maureen.

"Maureen, we've been over this five spirals ago, let me hit the bottom of the spiral and then pull me out. Okay?"

I've known Maureen ever since I've been in London she used to work at the University were it was free. Then she up and left to work here in the city. Apparently the burdens of university students was too much for her.

I can't say I blame her, I mean she had me as a regular. Let's just say I didn't exactly make her job easier for her. But, hey here we are.

"Ines, tell me about something positive that's happened instead of the incident" is she for real right now?

"Are for real right now? How can I find any positives when I am currently the men of Europes most wanted and public enemy number one  to all the women. It's ironic because my public enemy number one is the man I'm supposedly fucking behind the scenes"

"Yes but that can't be the only thing happening in your life right now"

"Well it's the one consuming my life, the other day I went to Tesco and someone asked me for a photo. A photo. I was in sweats and a had a messy bun"

"What was your response?"

"I said no obviously, I'm not a celebrity or have a wanted relationship with the current source of my problems"

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