4. Well shit

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"Woah, let me gt this straight to make sure we are on the same page?"Ella says holding her hand to single me to stop talking.

"Your new boss wants you to babysit your arch-nemesis child because he is a single dad because his fiancee died and his grandma is sick, he doesn't trust Nannies or babysitters cause in the past they have sold dumb fake stories that gave him his fuckboy reputation. All the childcare services rejected his kid because of the paparazzi and he can't play because if we're to take care of his kid he would not be able to meet the requirements of the contract. So your boss wants to pay you extra because she and coach Frankie have a thing for each other and she wants to help him. But she didn't tell you that you would have to organize any contracts that Mr Martinez requires during the season. And the icing on the cake is the fact that your mother has brought your stepbrother who is devilishly attractive might I add and expects you to just take care of him because he has a modelling job here for the next couple of months while she and your stepfather suck face across Europe for a romantic getaway and she never mentioned this to you because she knew you would say no? Am I missing anything?"

She finishes recapping and  takes an exhausted breath.

Shaking my head "Nope you got it all, Ohh wait and I have till tomorrow to decide if I want to take care of his child "

"Well shit. I was so off from when I said you would just be getting her teas all day bitch you are basically an employee now."

"yep," I said nodding and scrunching my face.

It's been three hours of me explaining to Ella how shitty my day had become. She stands collecting the bowls of popcorn we ate while talking and watching Avengers Endgame for the 80th time.

Which the ending still makes us ball our eyes out.

"Well, I can't tell you what to do.  But, honestly does it make much of a difference if you babysit his kid or not? I mean you'll still have to interact with him and talk to him anyway."

I sit on my bed looking at her with my head tilted to one side evaluating what she just said to me.

"It doesn't make much of a difference. Wait hold up, so you're saying I do it anyway just because I'll be spending time with him anyway?"

"Yeah, that's what I'm saying. I know you bitch your gonna be so guilty when you talk to him. and your getting paid extra, and don't forget the free pre-season trip to Skopelos, where mama friggin mia was filmed and I'm coming with you on. But hey, It's your choice so I'm gonna go now and let you marinate your choice, either way, your gonna have to breathe the same air as him is all I'm saying so why not do some good. "

And with that, she was gone.

She's right I'm gonna have to breathe the same air as him either way and by helping him I can do some good in the world. His world. Taking the stress of his back and letting him do what he always loved doing.

I feel tired and feel my eyelids closing in on themselves.


"Wake up Ines"
I open my eyes and wait for them to adjust to the lighting to see my mama hovering over me with a smile on her face.

"Morning Mama"

"Good morning my sweet. I wanted to say goodbye and apologise in person before I leave today to meet Damion in France " she tucks some loose hair behind my ear. I pout despite the surprise and lack of communication in terms of telling me my stepbrother would need to stay with me. I didn't expect her to be gone so soon. Well I mean I knew she would leave because her and what's his face are travelling around Europe. Good thing he didn't tag along because this is how it would've gone.

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