6. Opps i did it again

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Nothing that has happened today or in the past six years could have prepared me for this moment.

After quite literally walking away from him, he stands in front of me looking at his son running towards him, squatting to pick him up and spin him around after what probably has been for him, a long day of training and press.

I don't think he has noticed me yet, because he continues to look at Nate as he tells his dad about the afternoon he's had with me.

After Nate's recount, he finally looks up and for a moment, just a second his eyes harden. Probably because I am a complete stranger with his child. Or he remembers me. Before I can figure it out his eyes return to someone who holds the key to his heart.

No it's not me.  Nathaniel. Nate.

That name came about through our pranks. One day were in detention and his Aunty was pregnant and asking family members for name ideas. He decided to use his detention time wisely by asking me of names I thought were cool for a i quote "dude baby"  after spitting a shit ton of name I said "what about Nathaniel" he flat out said nope. I asked why and he looked at me with a boyish grin and said "because Mariposa, I want be the one to name my son that first".

I never understood his liking in the name. I liked the name because there used to be this doctor on this Aussie sitcom home and away whose name was Nate and was British and crazy hot.

But as for Leo. I never knew or found out why Nate ?

Nate runs up to me to give me a hug "Thank you for taking care of me this afternoon" I look down and see the hazel eyes that I had felt I knew all afternoon but couldn't figure out where. "You're very welcome... Nate" I whisper his name remembering it was 'top secret'.

"Yeah thanks, for taking care of him he's a hand full and was supposed to stay in the team room upstairs" as Nate lets go of me I look up and see the person who I left alone six years ago because I was scared to commit and felt I couldn't trust him.

"He's really no trouble at all, I had a blast with him honestly" I look down and ruffle Nate's curly brown hair and smile. God this kid looks soo much like his dad,it's haunting.

"I'm sorry what did you say your name was?" So he really doesn't recognise me. I don't think I have changed that much. I look at him directly in the eyes and notice how much Nate is a replica of him.

Like copy and paste shit.

"I didn't," I say sarcastically and he takes a step forward to hold Nate's hand absent-mindedly thinking I said my name.

"Well thank you I didn't ...wait what is your name? " he does a double-take. I look at him with a smile and I can feel my heartbeat quicken this is giving me deja vu.

"Ines, my name is Ines" His eyes widen in surprise but then he narrows them challenging me as if I'm pretending to be me" what Jacklyn?" he says jokingly

"Yes, Martinez " Nate pulls on his arm to get his attention "Daddy Daddy Daddy" still staring at me deeply He shakes his head out of his thoughts, particularly those about how the hell I'm here and how he should act.

I mean I would be a nervous wreck, oh wait I am but I'm not gonna let him know that.

"Daddy" he yells finally getting attention "hmmmm" he looks between me and his dad "How do you know her name and How does she know our last name ?"

I can see Leo lost for words looking at me inhaling deeply not knowing what to tell his son so I interject "Duh your dad is a famous soccer player how could I not know your last name?"

"Ohhhh okayyy" turning his head away he looks up to his dad "Can we go home now?"

"No, not yet.  I still have a big press conference to go to Nate" His son looks at him disappointed and upset. "Do I have to wait in the training room this time ?" Nate asks upset.

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