3. For f**** Sake

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I'm woken by a blender.

I groan sitting up and quickly checking the time

6.45 am

Ella is never up this early.

Why is someone in my kitchen this early?

But I'm kind of thankful, because I would have slept in and been late for my first day at a new job. That would be a good impression.

I get out of bed and as I begin making my bed, I see someone peek through the door.

It's my mama

I realised that I'm still not wearing any pants

She walks in and I hug her.

"Hello, baby," she says stroking my hair and cupping my cheeks to look at me in the eye

"Mama, I missed you, " I say pouting.

"Well no matter how old you get I'm still your mama and I would fly across the earth to see you which I did"

"But why?"I question raising an eyebrow. Ever since I moved to the UK, Mama has made occasional visits. Some of them planned and others not so much. The ones that were not planned meant that she had bad news or needed a favour in which I would never agree too otherwise, so she comes here in person to not give me not much of a choice.

"I have a surprise for you but first you need to get ready to meet your new boss today "

She hugs me tight and leaves my room. The word surprise could me many things with her. She could have divorced Damion, which she would never do, because hello the dating pool these days is filled with actual plastic that is killing all the good fish.

Believe me I know.

Or the surprise could be a gift for me. But my birthday is in 9 months. Wait is she dying? No she can't be dying cause she wouldn't have said "surprise" she would have said something like "I've got some news" news would imply something negative.

Or maybe we should get dressed for work and find out later?

Right, I need to get ready quickly I have about 25 minutes to get out of my house.

But what to wear?

I see a pair of fitted pants that are dark green and high-waisted with a thick green belt with the same material and a thick buckle. I pair it with a white blouse that I tuck into the pants with a pair of nude high heels and complete the look with a white mini bag.

I can't help but notice the scars.

I look at my hair in the mirror in disgust. I look like every Tyler Perry movie to exist where the weaves and wigs for some characters are so bad, I forgot that there are make up artist and hair stylists.

I quickly Conrow my hair and walk into my wig closet and pick a brown curled bob wig. I run into the bathroom to do my make up nothing fancy just concealer and Foundation with a bit of blush.

I walk out to see a banquet of food on the dining table and a hungry Ella sitting shoving her face full of pancakes and fruit. Just like the good old days when Ella would be at my house ready to get going to school even if I wasn't going that day due to my issues. She was always there to eat the food mama had prepped for us. And always there to agree with my ever-so fluctuating moods and outlooks of life.

"Your mother is amazing, she even made fruit salad and greek salad and brownies"

She takes a bite of a brownies and moans rolling her eyes to the back of her head"This shit is soooo good. I think I'm in love " yeah that's my Ella, even when she eat she turns heads. Not always the way in which that implies. But, she is a show stopper for sure.

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