17. Chicken nuggets

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"Wait so you have been here this whole time and never been exploring the streets of Greece ?" Leilieh questions while we are both lounging on my couch and painting our nails rose pink.

"Yeah, I have never really been the going out to meet people type" It is true my social stamina is always at an all time low. I doesn't matter what I am doing but, I either get overwhelmed by the people around me or completely zone out and distance myself.

Either way over the years I've found comfort in knowing I have Ella, I do go grocery shopping and work but that's about it, the last party I went to to was the one where Martinez and I ended up arrested.


Well that's a story for another time hey.

"You don't have to meet people you can explore on your own or better yet we can go together ?"

"Together ?" she nods at me with a smiles that reaches ear to ear.

She seems nice and seems like she would be a lot of fun to hang out with. Heck what do I have to loose. but then again, I don't want to get out of bed tomorrow after our third bottle of wine shared together, the hangover will be another level.

"Fine I'll think about it"

"ehhhh" she sequels jumping on me like an idiot

Ah friend some of them can be too touchy.


"Ines are you ready we have to leave soon"

"Leilieh, leave soon for what? " the grogginess of my voice make even me flinch when I look at Leilieh's faces she looks at me in horror as if we were not drinking bottles of wine together less than four hours ago.

I am exhausted, and very hung over. right now everything that leaves leihleih's mouth is giving me the the biggest headache known to me thus far in my years of legally being allowed to drink.

"We are going exploring today remember ?"

Exploring, yes about that my hang over is not going to let me explore, the farthermost I think I am going to go is to the bathroom to lie on the cool tiling and wait to throw up.

"I remember saying i'll think about it, but right now my capacity to think is close to that of a newborn, let alone walk to explore"

"Ines, I know we just met but one thing about me you need to know is that I am a stubborn ass bitch"

You don't say is all I can think. I sit up because it sound like my newest friend is up for a challenge

"That's nice so am I" Crossing my arms a pillow hit me in the face. but it feels like a ton of bricks just hit me in the face. I look to see my prime suspect which I thought was Leilieh but the giggles coming from my left and she is in front of me.

"Ines, let's go" Nate screams in my hear hitting me repeatedly with two different pillows that were on the floor this morning.

"Hey woah woah woah not you too" I laugh trying to fight off my pain but it becomes too much.

"Nate Jacobs Conner Martinez" four words have never sounded so powerful coming from my mouth, judging by the way Nate is looking at me right now, he knows to stop and drop the pillows.

"Ooooo you in trouble" Leilieh sings.

"Both of you are, I just want to stay in my room and enjoy expensive room service food while being able to watch any TV series I wish" I didn't notice I was yelling until,

"I'm sorry Ines I didn't mean to make you angry. I just wanted to spend time with you" the remorse in Nate's eyes tell me he truly is sorry. I bring him in for a hug and rest my chin on his head and kiss his temple lightly. "Hey it okay little striker, we can hang out later maybe tomorrow?"

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