14. Jet Bags

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After one of the most humiliating moments in what I would say is my life. 

However, I am yet to peak because there are actually other moments that could overtake this one. 

Like all the times when Leo and I called a truce and for some reason every time I would forgive him and actually believe him. 

Now that doesn't mean I never had my own karma ready and waiting. It just means sometimes my plans were just a little slow at times. 

But I always, always got my revenge. 

Anyway, right now Adler is staring at me and me trying to avoid every possible chance of eye- contact possible. 

Well, it was pretty hard because plane bathrooms are so roomy, and are meant to fit two people.

"you feel better?"

He reaches for my forehead and I swat his hand away. 

"Sorry, but just because you held my hair while I was throwing up doesn't mean I'm that comfortable, Thank you. But, no thank you"  Harsh, I say harsh things a lot but some people need to know the boundaries and the truth. 

"No yeah, of course, my apologies" He rubs the back of his neck, my guess out of embarrassment. Now I feel like an absolute asshole. 

"No well, yes apologies, but don't feel bad I'm just fussy like that"

He smiles. Thank god he smiled because this was going to be awkward if he didn't. I can't help but smile cause God this man is gorgeous, the blonde hair and the blue eyes. 

He looks like a bloody prince. 

There's a knock at the door "Excuse me could you please hurry up"

"Right, we should probably get out," 

"yes we should" He maneuvers his way to let me out first and I feel his hand brush over  where my crop top ends 

"Sorry "

"No don't be, Let's get out of here"

He nods and I open the door hastily, once it finally opens I look out to see a player form our team. He looks at me with a raised eyebrow, questioning me. Which is ironic because I have no clue who he is. 

My guess is he is good friends with Leo and thinks Adler and I just had a quicky in the bathroom of a plane. 

For fucks sake, can I get a break? 

"Hey, Mount," Adler says behind me. 

Oh, this is Mason Mount, the legend the icon. I think he's been with Chelsea since he was Nate's height or something. Pretty remarkable his dreams came true. I've never spoken to him personally but, I don't think we are starting on the right foot.  

"Hey Adler"  he nods and looks back at me. 

"You probably need the bathroom hey? let me get out of your way"

I move as fast as I can to get out of the way and back to my seat. I'm so tired and honestly want to be sipping on some expensive wine overlooking the ocean in my hotel room. 

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