CH-35 Training The Power

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Midoriya's POV
I told Mirko all about One for All and everything I knew about the quirks I had already unlocked, she was shocked about these abilities and about the vestiges. She explained that I should focus on one thing at a time, start with mastering one of my abilities and then go on to the next after I can use it without thinking. I didn't like just leaving some of my abilities alone but if it was the best way to master this power then I would do as she said. I decided to start with danger sense as it would automatically activate in a fight, I needed to learn to control it so that I could actually use my other quirks in battle. We decided to start with some low level villains and see if I could control it and tell exactly what would happen.

We found a few villains and Mirko stayed to the side whilst I went in to stop them, I started to fight them but none of them could get close to landing a hit on me so danger sense didn't activate. I finished them off and waited for the police to arrive before heading off to find more of a challenge, I had to face off against someone who could actually hit me in order to get some actual practice. Many villains later I still had made no progress and I was getting annoyed which was visible to Mirko.
"Don't worry about it kiddo, we'll find a way to train it" Mirko reassured me.
"Yeah well, I'll guess I always have my back up plan" I said.
"What's your back up plan?" She asked.
"Kacchan, I'll have him blow me to hell to train it" I explained.
"That's your best idea?"
"It worked for blackwhip and smokescreen. Also I- AH, DOWN" I yelled as danger sense activated telling me of some attack behind us. I narrowly dodged a bullet to the head thanks to danger sense, I looked behind me to see three men with rifles aimed at the two of us.
"Well kiddo, it looks like we've found your training" Mirko said as a grin formed on her face.
"Looks like it, just make sure that nobody else gets hurt" I said as a grin formed on my face.

I stared down the gunman as Mirko jumped off of the roof to ensure that no civilians would get hurt in the crossfire. I charged at them as they fired bullets at me left and right, Danger sense wasn't deactivating thanks to all of the bullets being fired at me. I knew that because of this I wouldn't be able to use blackwhip or smokescreen, which would be very useful in this situation, but had to deal with it and learn to use danger sense. I reached the first man and he dropped his gun as I arrived pulling out a knife, thanks to danger sense though I was able to tell exactly where every bullet would pass along with how he would swing his knife. I dodged everything and instinctively created a smokescreen but for some reason danger sense didn't deactivate, I was able to use two quirks at once. My smokescreen blinded the man with the knife and the gunmen stopped shooting so that they wouldn't shoot their friend, I stopped producing smoke and activated blackwhip to grab the guns of the other two and bring them to me. I kicked the man in front of me with 30% of my power dispersing the smoke all around me, I sent blackwhip at the remaining two villains and brought them towards me kicking one of them with my right foot and the other with my left foot simultaneously.

After knocking the three villains out I tied them up with blackwhip and took them down to the street, Mirko was pleased that I was able to take them all out by myself and the police came to take the villains away. Me and Mirko leapt up to a tall building so we could talk about what happened with my quirk. I explained that danger sense was activated constantly thanks to the continuous fire but because it wasn't on and off I didn't have to focus on it too much and that allowed me to use multiple quirks at the same time. I had gotten a better understanding of danger sense in that short battle, I knew how it worked. I could sense motion that has deadly intent in my vicinity, this area of sense was actually fairly large as I could sense when they fired each individual bullet when the were a hundred metres away. But what actually caught my attention was that I could sense not only for me but those around me, I could tell that one of the bullets was going for Mirko in time to tell her to dodge.
"So, do you think you can use multiple quirks whenever you want?" Mirko asked.
"I don't know, I guess I could try in my next fight" I suggested.
"Sure, lets find you a real challenge" Mirko said whilst grinning, I returned the grin and nodded.

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