Chapter 27

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Mirio's POV:

I am stopping this! No more deaths!

I arranged to meet everyone in the library at 9pm. I told them to bring any suspicious things they discovered here or any information about A) why we are here and B) how to escape!

At 8pm, the night when we are going to have meeting, I began to recall what I remembered before I got kidnapped into this place.

I remember going to the movies with Tamaki. Everything was normal. No night patrols, no cases of missing children or psychotic murderous bears. The heroes weren't worried about anything. The league of villains was nowhere to be seen. Things were peaceful.

Me and Tamaki were going to see the third guardians of the galaxy movie. I was buzzing! I remember seating in the middle row and watching the movie. Nothing weird.

Nothing except the creepy guy.

I recall seeing a man in the back row. He looked ordinary but I couldn't shake the feeling he was watching us. He had a black giant hoodie jacket thing on, showing nothing but his blue eyes. He had a sinister look in his gleaming eyes. His eyes almost looked as bright as a fire.

He didn't bother me or Tamaki though. Didn't even engage in a conversation with us. When we both left the cinema after crying about the movie (the movie was very tragic!), I didn't see the man again.

It was weird. I'll see if everyone else saw the blue-eyed, creepy dude.

That was only the beginning of my research though! I had been researching everything I thought wasn't right! My memories being top of my list.

Last night, I even found the sticky note with the office computer password on it Iida had found. The computer with the security camera video's on it. I didn't even want to look at the videos though. I just came to get the password.

Looking at the password, I figured it was too random. It had to be some code, some cipher.

The password was: WKHUHLVPDVWHUPLQG.

It has to be some code!

I got up. I was going to do yet even more research! I began to walk to the library.

I opened the oak doors and began my research. Grabbing several decoding books, I sat down and dived right in.

Half an hour later, I finally had a cipher decoder for the most common cipher in the word (I think)! The Caesar ciphers!

I grabbed my sticky note, the decoder cipher circle thingy in my right hand. I began to decipher the password.

The W, was a T

The K, a H

The H, an E

The U, a R

The H, a E

The L, an I

The V, a S

The D, an A

The P, a M

The D, an A

The V, a S

The W, a T

The H, an E

The U, a R

Another P, a M

The L, an I

The Q, a N

The G, a D

The password was a cipher! There was four-ish words! Right now, the words were bunched up together. THEREISAMASTERMIND. First word was there. The second, is. The third, A. The fourth, mastermind

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