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This is not preplanned. It's just something I wrote up on the spot, therefore it's probably ooc and will have inconsistencies. I will probably go back and edit things, and will keep y'all updated via end of chapter A/Ns.

Also, updates are not consistent right now as this is just a hobby and school is starting soon.

Hope you guys enjoy anyway.

I will try to trigger warning things like gore and abuse and manipulation (and anything else)

It's a Dream SMP book, so ofc there will be some suggestive jokes and swearing (especially because Phil and Tommy are some of the main characters of the dream Smp)

If I forget to trigger warning anything please please please let me know and I'll fix it right away.

collided and corrupted -- Dream SMP x HermitcraftUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum