Chapter 5

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Xisuma sighed and walked around the void. He missed his friends. He missed his home.

Xisuma needed to wake up.

It had been a while since Dream's last visit. How long exactly, he didn't know for sure. During Dream's last visit, he showed Xisuma what was going on in Dream SMP, which was a new server a couple thousand blocks out from Hermitcraft. A man named Wilbur was planning to blow up a nation called Manberg with 11 and a half stacks of TNT.

"Xisuma! I'm back!" Dream trilled in a sing-song voice.

Xisuma's head shot up. The rational part of him kept reminding himself that he shouldn't like Dream. Dream was keeping him trapped in his own head, Dream had Grian. Dream wasn't good. But Xisuma couldn't help but like the man, since he came by and showed him things. It felt like an act of kindness.

"Come on!" Dream extended his hand, just like last time, and Xisuma gladly took it.

Fresh air. How he missed fresh air.

Trees rustled, birds chirped. It was a wonderful relief from the silence. Dream/Xisuma felt the sun beating down on him. He missed the warmth. The first thing he wanted to do when he woke up was to run outside, feel the sun on his skin. Dream/Xisuma walked over towards Wilbur, who was tying a letter to a small black crow.

"It's done." Dream/Xisuma said.

Wilbur turned around to face him, ""The TNT's all under Manberg?"

"Yes. I hooked it up to a button, deep in the original room where Eret betrayed you."

Wilbur visibly flinched when Dream/Xisuma said the name Eret. Xisuma didn't know who Eret was, but the man must have hurt Wilbur deeply to warrant that response. Wilbur instead cleared his throat and asked, "Good. So if I press the button, it all goes boom?"

"Yes, have fun!" Was all Dream/Xisuma replied before walking deeper into the woods, but not fully leaving. Xisuma watched the scene, when a young boy in a red and white shirt pointed a bow at Wilbur. The two engaged in a short, heated conversation, until Dream/Xisuma stepped between them.

"Tommy, I have to step in."

From behind, Wilbur shouted, "YEAH DADDY DREAM!" Which threw Xisuma off. Was Wilbur Dream's son? Dream/Xisuma turned around to face the celebrating man, who instantly regretted what he said. "Oh wait no, scratch that one. Leader Dream! Um, Big Brother Dream? Ah fuck, that's going in a compliation somewhere..." Wilbur sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. Xisuma silently winced at the crude language Wilbur used.

Dream/Xisuma turned back to face the young boy, who had put the bow and arrow back up in his face. Wilbur just laughed.

"This isn't right! This-- This isn't right!" The British boy, Tommy, said, "I'm not going to betray you, Wilbur, I'm going to stand by your side but this? This isn't the right way to go about this." Wilbur scoffed and rolled his eyes, "Dream you know this as well. We can build back L'Manberg," The child put emphasis on the L, "It can be what it once was. But blowing it up isn't going to solve anything...It will only waste more time. We don't have enough time..." Despite Tommy obviously being a minor, to Xisuma, he seemed like the most rational and level headed one here.

Wilbur just chuckled. He sounded unhinged, "I like your buzzwords, those buzzwords are good." Wilbur told Tommy, "But they don't apply here. None of what you're saying really matters. Look, I--" He stuttered, "Dream, thank you very much! I very much appreciate it, I will do you proud."

Dream/Xisuma nodded, "If you need any more help, just let me know."

"Let me tell you," Wilbur continued, "At this festival, when Tubbo is doing his speech, you may wanna leave. 'Cause that's when I'm going to detonate the whole place." A smile creeped over his face. It scared Xisuma. This whole thing scared him. Servers are supposed to be peaceful. Wars were just for pranks! Fun! No one's life should be on the line, no one's hours of work should just be blown up. What kind of a server is this?! What admin would let these things happen, and actively encourage them?

collided and corrupted -- Dream SMP x HermitcraftWhere stories live. Discover now