Chapter 2

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    Grian tried not to stare. 

He really did. But the builder couldn’t help himself, as the man at the door raised an eyebrow. He was the most peculiar person Grian’s ever met! 

    On the sides of his face and neck, were short, pitch-black feathers that looked silky smooth, with pointy little elf ears. That wasn’t even the strangest part, because on his back, were folded black crow wings, the feathers glossy looking and sleek. The bird man wore a green kimono and a green and white striped bucket hat sat on top of his head. Most mysteriously, around his neck was a red heart on a gold chain, with two black. Strange symbol, but it seemed familiar… 

    “Um, hello?” The man questioned. He had a thick, Northern British accent. 

    Grian snapped himself out of his stare and cleared his throat, “Hello! My name’s Grian and I was wondering if you had any firework rockets or phantom membranes? I’m a long way from my home server and my stuff’s about to break.” He gave a nervous little laugh, as the man held a glittering netherite blade in his hand, much similar to Grian’s own sword. 

    The man seemed to relax, ever so slightly. “Oh yeah, come inside, mate. I’ve got some membranes but I'm not sure about flight rockets. The only rockets I use are for crossbows.” He shifted to allow Grian inside. 

    The interior was rather messy, but Grian’s own base was so cluttered with chests and shulker boxes that he couldn’t complain. The bird man placed his sword on the table and looted through the chests. Lanterns were hung up on chains, there was a fire crackling in the blackstone fireplace, and the overall calm mood of the house put Grian at extreme ease. Not to mention the warm, paternal vibes the bird man emitted. 

    “Ah! Here we are, mate!” The small bird man walked back into the room holding the pearly white membranes. “The anvil’s in the other room. Didn’t know how many you’d need so I just grabbed a half stack. “ He set the membranes down on the table. 

    “Oh, thanks! By the way, what’s your name?” Grian picked up the sticky things and walked into the next room, where next to an enchanting table was a well-used anvil. 

    “Philza, Philza Minecraft, but my friends just call me Phil.”  

    “I know we’ve just met, but would you consider me a friend?” Grian considered everyone a friend. That’s how it was on Hermitcraft. Even in the midst of the Turf War, Grian still called Scar his bestest buddy. Philza thought for a moment before replying. 

    “Yeah, sure. You seem friendly enough and haven’t given me a reason to dislike you, so you’re a friend in my eyes.” 

    “Well then, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Phil!” Grian grinned and repaired his elytra, grateful to have had enough experience points to finish the job. 

    “Pleasure to meet you too, Grian!” 

    He seemed like a nice enough fellow. Grian re-equipped his elytra and was preparing to take his leave when thunder crackled. 

    Of course, it was raining. 

    Grian never liked the rain. There wasn’t any particular reason, he just didn’t like it, and he especially didn’t like flying in it. The builder scrunched his nose and sighed. “Um, Phil? It’s storming right now, do you mind if I stay until the rain stops? Flying in the rain is the worst.” 

    “Of course, mate! And I agree, flying in the rain is terrible unless you have a Riptide trident.” Grian exited the enchanting room and returned to the main one, where Phil sat at the table with a book in his hands.  

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