Chapter 9

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"What are we going to do about Dream?" Bdubs asked Scar, sitting on his miniature diamond throne. For once, he allowed it to be night on Hermitcraft so he could have a private one on one with Scar.

"Not sure Bdubs. There's not much we can really do, since he's on another server, thousands of blocks away. But one thing's for sure is that he will not get away with what he did to Xisuma." Scar broke off another piece of diamond and unconsciously started licking it. Bdubs sighed. Dream did something to Xisuma while he was asleep. They didn't know for certain what happened, since Xisuma would clam up and refuse to speak about it with everyone except Keralis.

"Oh definitely not! Definitely not! He'll get what's comin' to him soon!"

Scar laughed. Jellie meowed and jumped onto his lap.

"Oh definitely! We have False on our side, so if a fight breaks out she can cover for us. I want to try and settle this diplomatically, however."
A few hours after Xisuma awoke, the other Hermits formed a team to travel to Dream SMP and talk to Dream. It would consist of the mayor and his captain, Scar and Bdubs, Grian's best friend, Mumbo, their admin, Xisuma (The others tried to tell him to stay and rest, as he clearly was physically and mentally injured from his prolonged slumber, but Xisuma persisted), The Queen of Heads, Hearts, and Body Parts, False, and Xisuma's best friend, Keralis. They would travel to Dream SMP and try to get Grian back home.

"You think he'll give us Grian back?"
Scar sighed and put the diamond into his pocket, "Honestly, Bdubs, I don't know. From the little bit that X mentioned, Dream seems like a pretty 'not nice' guy. I'm worried, really worried. What if he does something to X again?"
"He won't! We'll be there to stop him if he tries."

"Alrights...goodnight Bdubs. I need to get back to my base. I just...everything's just gone downhill it seems and I can't help but feel as if it's partly my fault-"

"Woah, woah woah," Bdubs stood up and faced the mayor, whose big brown eyes filled with tears, "Slow your roll buddy, what do you mean you think it's your fault?"

Scar sighed and wiped his tears on his sleeve, "I'm the mayor, I should be protecting you guys. And despite Grian starting the resistance, I'm the one who waged war. If I hadn't waged war then Grian would still be here, and not with Dream-"

"Scar, Scar, Scar." Bdubs went up on his throne and placed his hands on his shoulders in a reassuring manner, "You could not possibly have predicted any of this. None of us could! This is out of our control. Don't you dare think this, any of this, could be your fault."

Scar sniffled and buried his face in his hands, "I feel so guilty, though..."

"Sometimes we just...feel guilty over stuff that we don't have control over. It really sucks. But I want you to know that it wasn't your fault, and that I'm here for you, okay?"

The mayor smiled a watery smile at Bdubs. "You're the best captain I've ever had!"

"I'm the only captain you've ever had!"
Scar laughed and walked out of the town hall, Jellie following him. Bdubs shook his head and went home, not wanting to spend another night at the town hall


He was running late.

Bdubs flew frantically through the Nether to the town hall, praying that the other's hadn't left yet.

"I'M HERE! I'M HERE!" He shouted as he emerged through the portal under the town hall. The others laughed as he scrambled to join them.

"Don't worry Bubbles, we weren't going to leave without you!" Keralis smiled.

collided and corrupted -- Dream SMP x HermitcraftWhere stories live. Discover now